The Google APIs Client Generator is a tool for generating client libraries for APIs based on the Google API Discovery format. It is based on the same core technology Google uses to publish their API libraries. Current support is for C++, C#/.NET, Dart, Java, Java/GWT, and PHP.
- aiuto
- alexcasalboniEdgee
- avl93Krasnodar
- awadsayeedPixlee
- bshafferGoogle, Inc.
- cchacinAmazon
- chw2054Taipei
- dittosKorea
- fabitoHalter
- gitunit
- hekiganTokyo, Japan
- ILMostro
- ivannaranjoGoogle Inc.
- johnowennixonDevOps Engineer @candide-com
- joshfraserOrigin Protocol
- kavefish
- keizieAsia/Seoul
- krystianhub
- laurenancona@GSA
- maxc0c0s
- mcohoon@oreillymedia
- mloenow
- n0531mSingapore
- owainlewisOracle
- PaulCapestanyPuerto Rico
- peihsinsuTaiwan
- philbrittonDAC Group
- sandy-8925
- sbtk44Tokyo
- sewillia
- sidkk
- skuhticZagreb, Croatia
- vfrank66Lumeris
- vijo
- xornand