
Non-deterministic ordering for annotations in generated AutoValue_ classes

ZacSweers opened this issue · 1 comments

A sporadic issue we're encountering in our project is that generated AutoValue_ classes appear to have non-deterministic annotations ordering. This results in recompilations in Gradle builds.


Here's an example based on the screenshot above, from our codebase. This uses autovalue + the auto-value-moshi extension. It doesn't seem annotation-specific, both @Nullable and @Json appear in different orders at times

public interface SearchFilters {

  @Json(name = "from")
  List<String> getFromFilters();

  @Json(name = "after")
  String getAfterFilter();

  @Json(name = "before")
  String getBeforeFilter();

  @Json(name = "rxn")
  List<String> getReactionsFilters();
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true, generator = "avm")
abstract class SearchFiltersAV implements SearchFilters {}

It seems like the appropriate solution would be to sort annotations in generation, since order doesn't matter for functionality but does confuse systems using file watching for incremental compilation.

Thanks for the quick turnaround!