- 6
- 1
How do we tell Auto to add a `@Nullable` annotation to the equals method parameter in the class which implements an Annotation?
#1869 opened by RamAnvesh - 4
- 8
Library has Kotlin runtime bundled into it
#1440 opened by Simon3 - 7
AutoValue 1.10.4 no longer works with GraalVM native image resource loading
#1783 opened by timothyg-stripe - 3
[Bug] Annotation processor generated duplicated classes from dependency that also used autovalue
#1734 opened by Abacn - 3
Annotation Processor output is not deterministic
#1656 opened by hendrikebbers - 2
Drop support for running generated code under Java 7
#1683 opened by cpovirk - 3
- 0
#1643 opened by Maja-GHub - 1
Release AutoFactory 1.1.0
#1628 opened by eamonnmcmanus - 2
AutoValue null annotations in Eclipse
#1634 opened by frankbenoit - 1
Possible documentation issue around collection builders
#1637 opened by ZacSweers - 2
Remove `o == this` check from generated `equals`?
#1633 opened by perceptron8 - 3
Is cross-process support available?
#1624 opened by zuilintan - 2
Android does not use AutoService. See the example code
#1617 opened by Xxj-star - 1
AutoValue `toBuilder()` works poorly if an extension subclasses `Builder`; possible INCOMPATIBLE change
#1603 opened by eamonnmcmanus - 2
Use Jakarta's @Generated annotation if available
#1602 opened by netdpb - 1
Require Java 11+ for compilation
#1596 opened by eamonnmcmanus - 8
AutoService breaks with Immutables
#1523 opened by mswintermeyer - 16
- 8
auto-value 1.10.2 breaks compatibility with Kotlin 1.6
#1574 opened by breun - 8
- 1
Shaded guava triggers CVE checks
#1532 opened by hukka - 0
AutoValue functional tests not being run by Maven
#1558 opened by eamonnmcmanus - 8
- 3
#1520 opened by SJLBenjamin - 2
- 5
AutoFactory checkNotNull index in error message is 1-indexed, despite java being 0-indexed
#1495 opened by mhansen - 1
Cannot resolve symbol 'AutoBuilder'
#1472 opened by BTLDXX-x - 7
Generic-typed fields include erroneous non-null check
#1320 opened by kennknowles - 2
Renaming nested builders
#1435 opened by perceptron8 - 2
Renaming build()?
#1430 opened by daniel-mezo - 1
autovalue loads annotations too aggressively
#1379 opened by pburka - 3
- 2
auto-value 1.10 includes (very old) copies of org.jetbrains.annotations.(NotNull|Nullable)
#1389 opened by pburka - 1
- 2
Is there a limit on the number of parameters or abstract methods we can have for the AutoValue class?
#1372 opened by WillWcchan - 2
Unable to pass Custom Types in AutoValue
#1354 opened by shastrisubramaniam - 3
- 2
There is a vulnerability in Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 29.0-jre,upgrade recommended
#1331 opened by QiAnXinCodeSafe - 1
generate @CheckReturnValue annotations
#1316 opened by Bananeweizen - 5
Regression of Gradle incremental compilation
#1315 opened by ben-manes - 2
[AutoFactory] nested factories break code generation
#1288 opened by filipkowicz - 5
- 1
Change retention of AutoAnnotation to CLASS to make it compatible with Gradle incremental compiler
#1251 opened by asodja - 1
Could not find method compileOnlyApi()
#1220 opened by chronvas - 1
- 4
Should not extend final class
#1215 opened by h908714124 - 3