
Feature request: support REES

arokem opened this issue · 1 comments

REES is the specification supported by repo2docker. It would be great to support that. In particular, as I understand it (but correct me if I am wrong), caliban currently supports dependencies specified in a requirements.txt file. REES expands this to support dependencies in a number of other formats, including conda environment.yml files and even Dockerfiles. Implementing this would increase the range of things users could do with the software.

This is really interesting. I didn't know about REES.

We actually DO now support environment.yaml; if you add one to your repo you'll get that environment installed. That needs a documentation update.

I didn't know about the Dockerfile ability. I wonder what that would do. This is a great tip. I'll look into this and keep notes here on the issue.

Thanks, @arokem !