
`caliban cloud`: providing project ID through CLI fails

arokem opened this issue · 1 comments

I am seeing:

$caliban cloud --nogpu -- --project_id landscape-238422

No project_id found. 'caliban cloud' requires that you either set a 
$PROJECT_ID environment variable with the ID of your Cloud project, or pass one 
explicitly via --project_id. Try again, please!

Setting the environment variable does seem to work.

Ah, yes, @arokem that is a subtlety with the argument parsing. Anything that comes after -- is assumed to be an arg you want to pass directly into the container, to your script.

If you did this instead:

caliban cloud --nogpu --project_id landscape-238422

you should see it work out.

I'll be releasing an update today that removes the need for a service account key, which should make it slightly easier to get started.

let me know if this helps! Glad you got unblocked with the env variable.