
Can't build as static OR shared in Haiku (OS)

victroniko opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Hello, I'm trying to build the VOLK libraries on Haiku (operating system). VOLK uses cpu_features as a submodule, I want/need to do a shared build but it doesn't work.

To isolate the problem I'm trying to build cpu_features alone. It seems no matter how I force it, explicitly using -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON and -DBUILD_PIC=ON args or even directly fumbling with those in CMakeLists.txt (ugly!) result is the same:

ld: CMakeFiles/list_cpu_features.dir/src/utils/list_cpu_features.c.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol 'gBumpAllocator' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
ld: final link failed: bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/list_cpu_features.dir/build.make:97: recipe for target 'list_cpu_features' failed

The reason to try a shared build is because the static one also doesn't build:

ld: CMakeFiles/list_cpu_features.dir/src/utils/list_cpu_features.c.o: in function 'CreateTree':
list_cpu_features.c:(.text+0x51d): undefined reference to 'GetX86Info'
ld: list_cpu_features.c:(.text+0x529): undefined reference to 'GetX86CacheInfo'
ld: list_cpu_features.c:(.text+0x531): undefined reference to 'FillX86BrandString'
ld: list_cpu_features.c:(.text+0x617): undefined reference to 'GetX86Microarchitecture'
ld: list_cpu_features.c:(.text+0x61e): undefined reference to 'GetX86MicroarchitectureName'
ld: list_cpu_features.c:(.text+0x668): undefined reference to 'GetX86FeaturesEnumValue'
ld: list_cpu_features.c:(.text+0x677): undefined reference to 'GetX86FeaturesEnumName'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/list_cpu_features.dir/build.make:97: recipe for target 'list_cpu_features' failed

In both cases, list_cpu_features is the culprit. I'm stuck about how to properly approach this. Do I "disable" said command as recommended here, and build shared anyway? Or is there something to possibly do in cpu_features side that'll enable a correct static build?

FYI, version of things in Haiku are as follows: cmake 3.24.2-1, gcc 11.2.0, binutils 2.31.1-2

Any help will be appreciated :)

@victroniko, actually we don't have any architecture support for Haiku OS., see Since for older processors we have to get the processor information from the OS, that's why you get errors like undefined reference to DetectFeaturesFromOs and OverrideOsPreserves...


I added test commit 7badfd0 and all works fine:

tested on Haiku x86 32 bit via VirtualBox

probably for old processors we can get info via sysinfo:

also, in CMakeLists CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES it worth to add detection "x86" case:

cc: @gchatelet, @Mizux

Thank you for looking into this. Yes I know Haiku isn't supported... yet :)

The x86 variant is mantained mainly for binary compatibility with old BeOS 5.x, so things there are less than ideal for modern code. I was building on Haiku x86_64 (sorry I should've absolutely mentioned that!), as I believe it's the most sensible choice re: future support, codebase etc.

I tried anyway to build the test commit on x86_64, and it went further - list_cpu_features now compiles fine. But as expected, final linking fails with a bunch of x86-specific (?) undefined refs.


Below is a full build log from haikuporter (Haiku's tool for building packages, similar to Gentoo portage).


@victroniko, yes, it fails because I added test commit just to check list_cpu_features without testing.
You can run list_cpu_features with the following commands:

cmake -S. -Bcmake-build-release -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build cmake-build-release --config Release

About x86, no matter what architecture x86 or x86_64 is the same code in cpu_features. I didn't use BeOS compatibility using gcc 2.95 (need to change code to support the compiler), I used the setarch x86 command which allows you to use the latest version of gcc.

I added haiku_x86 impl file to tests and disabled OS specific tests (484a951) and it works


I can confirm it now builds (as stand-alone) correctly on Haiku x86_64. Still requires a bit more massaging to install succesfully. This is what happens if we follow install instructions as-is:

Install the project...
/boot/system/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
-- Install configuration: "RelWithDebInfo"
-- Installing: /boot/system/lib/libcpu_features.a
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:41 (file):
file INSTALL cannot copy file
to "/boot/system/lib/libcpu_features.a": Read-only file system.
Makefile:109: recipe for target 'install' failed

This doesn't work because Haiku system-dirs are read only: installed packages are mounted on boot then "overlayed" on top of FS. So at install step we have to use a path-abstraction variable along with DESTDIR=, in this way cpu_features builds to 100%. But it seems it wants to install to absolute paths on /boot - there is NO abstraction for that, only for libs bin devel docs... etc.

(edit. There is $installDestDir which seems usable, but it's description says it's for other things - I've tested it and certainly, it does not change the outcome with cmake above.)

To make a crude example, this is the resulting package built with DESTDIR=$libsDir (/boot/system/lib), and the final path where things end:


As can be seen everything after $libsDir is hardcoded to /boot. With DESTDIR=$binDir things end in /boot/system/bin/boot/*, and so on. Anyway it does install, and list_cpu_features can be ran by manually cd'ing to resulting path. So it seems this is the last thing before a fully working standalone build.

Here is an example for working with Haiku's path-abstractions in C/C++, hope this helps.

Now I'm off to test if it builds as submodule of VOLK...

@victroniko, according to the haiku cli documentation and os discussion, we can install them to ~/config/non-packaged/bin/ and this folder is user writable.


Added install path c8e5e09

  set(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR ~/config/non-packaged/lib)
  set(CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR ~/config/non-packaged/bin)
  set(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR ~/config/non-packaged/include)


cc: @Mizux

@gchatelet, what do you think, can we try to add support Haiku OS?

I was about to reply. It would be nice to support Haiku OS but only if we can have a CI machine. @Mizux ?

Mizux commented

Like for FreeBSD ci we could use a Vagrant box to perform a build:
And like for FreeBSD, the CI will be fragile with the "too many request" hitting us...

note: At least we could have the Vagrant file and we could run it from time to time as best/community effort support...

@echo -e "\t${BOLD}<VM>${RESET}:"
@echo -e "\t\t${BOLD}freebsd${RESET} (FreeBSD)"

VMS = freebsd