
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Evaluating CQL with the Apache Beam SDK

This project contains code to evaluate CQL (Clinical Quality Language) over large datasets by leveraging Apache Beam.

To maintain a narrow and focused scope there are various limitations placed on CQL that can be evaluated. Specifically:

  • the pipeline only supports Patient contexts.
  • there is no support for accessing resources outside of the context (i.e. no support for cross-context and related context retrieves.)
  • all resources for a given patient must fit within the memory of a worker.
  • only R4 FHIR is supported.
  • only boolean expressions are computed and persisted in the pipeline's output.
  • parameters cannot be passed to the CQL libraries.

Getting started

To get the pipeline up and running you will need:

  • A collection of R4 FHIR stored as NDJSON (new-line deliminted JSON). Sources of this include:
    • The output of a bulk-data export operation as defined in the Bulk Data Access IG.
    • The output of invoking fhirStores.export on a Google Cloud Healthcare API's FHIR store. See also [Exporting FHIR resources].
    • Generated synthetic data from Synthea.
  • The pipeline also supports reading FHIR data directly from BigQuery.
  • A CQL library with boolean expression that utilizes the Patient context.
  • All the required value sets persisted in FHIR JSON as ValueSet resources, one resource per file.

Notes on reading FHIR data from BigQuery

The FHIR data in BigQuery follows the SQL on FHIR schema. However, the SQL on FHIR schema has some limitations which users should be aware of. For example, primitive extensions may be omitted from the schema completely. Also Some FHIR types contain recursive structures that can be unbounded. The SQL on FHIR schema terminates the recursion at a certain depth. For more information, please refer to SQL on FHIR documentation.

Running locally

First, create some Synthetic data and grab some existing quality measures.

TMPDIR=$(mktemp -td cql-beam-local.XXXXX)

wget --directory-prefix=$TMPDIR https://github.com/synthetichealth/synthea/releases/download/master-branch-latest/synthea-with-dependencies.jar
java -jar $TMPDIR/synthea-with-dependencies.jar \
  --exporter.fhir.use_us_core_ig true \
  --exporter.fhir.bulk_data true \
  --exporter.baseDirectory $SYNTHEA_OUTPUT \
  -p 10

git clone https://github.com/cqframework/ecqm-content-r4.git $TMPDIR/ecqm-content-r4


Then build and run the pipeline. (Note: In order to utilize value sets and CQL libraries stored in Google Cloud Storage you must use mvn package and then execute the JAR with java, as is shown below in "Running with Google Cloud Dataflow.")

mvn compile exec:java -e \
  -Dexec.args=" \
    --ndjsonFhirFilePattern='$NDJSON_FHIR_FILE_PATTERN' \
    --cqlFolder='$CQL_FOLDER' \
    ]'"' \
    --valueSetFolder='$VALUE_SET_FOLDER' \
    --outputFilenamePrefix='$OUTPUT_FILENAME_PREFIX' \
    --streaming=true \

You may then analyze the results with Apache Drill.

apache drill> SELECT * FROM dfs.`/tmp/cql-beam-local.*/cql-output/*.avro`;

Running with Google Cloud Dataflow

Follow Google Cloud's Dataflow pipeline Before you Begin instructions. Once complete, run the commands below from the base directory of this repository. Replacing <PROJECT_ID> and <BUCKET_NAME> with the appropriate Google Cloud project ID and Google Cloud Storage bucket, respectively.

Reading NDJSON FHIR data


TMPDIR=$(mktemp -td cql-beam-dataflow.XXXXX)

wget --directory-prefix=$TMPDIR https://github.com/synthetichealth/synthea/releases/download/master-branch-latest/synthea-with-dependencies.jar
java -jar $TMPDIR/synthea-with-dependencies.jar \
  --exporter.fhir.use_us_core_ig true \
  --exporter.fhir.bulk_data true \
  --exporter.baseDirectory $SYNTHEA_OUTPUT \
  -p 10

git clone https://github.com/cqframework/ecqm-content-r4.git $TMPDIR/ecqm-content-r4

gsutil -m cp $SYNTHEA_OUTPUT/fhir/*.ndjson $GCS_BUCKET/fhir
gsutil -m cp $TMPDIR/ecqm-content-r4/input/cql/*.cql $GCS_BUCKET/cql
gsutil -m cp $TMPDIR/ecqm-content-r4/input/vocabulary/valueset/external/*.json $GCS_BUCKET/valuesets


Package and execute the resulting JAR.

mvn package

java -jar ./target/cql-beam-bundled-0.1.jar \
  --ndjsonFhirFilePattern="$NDJSON_FHIR_FILE_PATTERN" \
  --cqlFolder="$CQL_FOLDER" \
  ]' \
  --valueSetFolder="$VALUE_SET_FOLDER" \
  --outputFilenamePrefix="$OUTPUT_FILENAME_PREFIX" \
  --runner=DataflowRunner \
  --gcpTempLocation=$GCS_BUCKET/tmp \
  --project=$CLOUD_PROJECT_ID \
  --usePublicIps=false \

Reading FHIR data from BigQuery

In order to read FHIR data from BigQuery, you can run the same commands as above but with some additional arguments. Please keep in mind that if reading from BigQuery, you don't need to specify --ndjsonFhirFilePattern.


java -jar ./target/cql-beam-bundled-0.1.jar \
  --cqlFolder="$CQL_FOLDER" \
  ]' \
  --valueSetFolder="$VALUE_SET_FOLDER" \
  --outputFilenamePrefix="$OUTPUT_FILENAME_PREFIX" \
  --runner=DataflowRunner \
  --gcpTempLocation=$GCS_BUCKET/tmp \
  --project=$CLOUD_PROJECT_ID \
  --usePublicIps=false \
  --region=$CLOUD_REGION \
  --readFromBigQuery=true \
  --bigQueryProjectName=$BIG_QUERY_PROJECT_ID \

You may then analyze the results in BigQuery.

bq --location=$CLOUD_REGION mk --dataset $CLOUD_PROJECT_ID:cql_eval

bq load --source_format=AVRO --use_avro_logical_types \
  $CLOUD_PROJECT_ID:cql_eval.readme_example \

bq query --use_legacy_sql=false \
  expression_name STRING, results ARRAY<STRUCT<key STRING, value STRUCT<booleanValue BOOLEAN, 
  decimalValue float64, intValue INT64, stringValue STRING, valueType STRING>>>)
AS (
  (SELECT IF(value.valueType = "BOOLEAN", value.booleanValue, NULL) 
  FROM UNNEST(results) WHERE key = expression_name)

SELECT libraryId.name, libraryId.version,
  GetValue('Numerator', results) AS numerator,
  GetValue('Numerator Exclusions', results) AS numerator_exclusions,
  GetValue('Denominator', results) AS denominator,
  GetValue('Denominator Exclusions', results) AS denominator_exclusions,
  GetValue('Denominator Exceptions', results) AS denominator_exceptions,
  GetValue('Initial Population', results) AS initial_population,
  COUNT(0) AS count
FROM $CLOUD_PROJECT_ID.cql_eval.readme_example
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ORDER BY libraryId.name ASC;

The output of the query should looking similar to the following:

name version numerator numerator_exclusions denominator denominator_exclusions denominator_exceptions initial_population count
BreastCancerScreeningFHIR 2.0.003 false NULL false NULL NULL false 11
ColorectalCancerScreeningsFHIR 0.0.001 false NULL false NULL NULL false 8
ColorectalCancerScreeningsFHIR 0.0.001 true NULL false NULL NULL false 3
ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR 0.0.002 NULL NULL false false NULL false 11
DiabetesHemoglobinA1cHbA1cPoorControl9FHIR 0.0.001 false NULL false false NULL false 2
DiabetesHemoglobinA1cHbA1cPoorControl9FHIR 0.0.001 true NULL false false NULL false 9

Feedback and getting help

You may create a GitHub issue for bugs and feature requests or, for more open ended conversations, start a GitHub discussion.


This is not an officially supported Google product and is for demonstration purposes only.

FHIR® is the registered trademark of Health Level Seven International and use of this trademarks does not constitute an endorsement by HL7.