This project contains protocol buffer definitions for working with
genomics data. These definitions are based on the
protos from
googleapis, but with the
API-specific pieces removed.
For convenience, this package also contains pre-compiled Python versions of the protobufs which can be installed using pip via the instructions below.
This code is licensed under the terms of the Apache license.
- This is not an official Google product.
You are welcome to use the .proto
files directly. For Python specifically,
we provide pre-compiled files that can be installed via pip
Optional but recommended: start a virtualenv
$ cd
$ virtualenv my_genomics
$ source my_genomics/bin/activate
Now cd just above the genomics_protos directory and install:
pip install --upgrade genomics_protos/
You can now use the protos. For example:
$ python
from google.genomics.v1 import readalignment_pb2
r = readalignment_pb2.Read()
r.alignment.position.reference_name = 'chr1'
r.alignment.position.position = 1000000
The *_pb2 files are generated as follows:
$ protoc google/genomics/v1/*.proto --python_out=.