- 0
- 3
Non-determinism: leading space characters in diff occasionally turn into non-breaking space
#366 opened by mejedi - 2
- 1
- 3
- 5
Naming clash for new cmp standard package
#354 opened by Carrotman42 - 2
What is `T` in the documentation of `Equal()`?
#364 opened by your-diary - 0
- 3
- 3
Error at init when running on Windows ARM
#359 opened by anacrolix - 4
String diff for UUIDs can use strings.Join syntax which makes it more confusing
#356 opened by prashantv - 0
How to add more context to Diff output?
#358 opened by freakytoad1 - 0
Reporter truncating important context on diff output but leaving others alone
#357 opened by dprotaso - 3
- 1
Performance Issue Comparing Array Types
#353 opened by lmittmann - 3
Diff is extremely slow
#335 opened by seehuhn - 1
- 3
Ideas for a v2
#338 opened by dsnet - 9
out-of-the-box support for atomic.Pointer
#326 opened by pohly - 4
Ignore all unexported fields
#313 opened by dprotaso - 4
take address of field for comparison
#310 opened by elagergren-spideroak - 7
string difference not visible due to "elided lines"
#311 opened by pohly - 1
Output of comparing two Japanese words is unreadable
#314 opened by k3forx - 1
Provide Diff statistics
#323 opened by shibumi - 7
Readability of cmp.Diff function
#328 opened by amirrmonfared - 7
Diff may omit difference of map in struct in slice
#329 opened by mrwonko - 0
Use GoString instead of String
#331 opened by mxey - 2
IgnoreFields and nested struct
#346 opened by kotyara85 - 1
cmp.Diff() switching from property diffs to "new object" diff when object changes significantly
#343 opened by jgalliers - 1
unhelpful output for difference in slices
#350 opened by seehuhn - 2
Enable a dependency update tool
#347 opened by joycebrum - 4
Package Name Mismatches
#349 opened by pcfreak30 - 1
- 2
Inconsistent whitespace produced by cmp.Diff
#344 opened by akupila - 4
New minor release of the library?
#342 opened by antoninbas - 1
Default support for the `netip` package
#339 opened by crawshaw - 1
How to ignore specific field by name?
#336 opened by criscola - 2
- 2
- 0
- 2
question: have diff output ignore additions
#318 opened by dprotaso - 3
fatal error: checkptr: pointer arithmetic computed bad pointer value (test -race)
#321 opened by smyrman - 2
`cmp.Diff` hangs for deeply nested slices
#317 opened by seehuhn - 1
- 0
#315 opened by future-okada - 2
Path.String() only returns a path in a Struct
#308 opened by Josemaralves - 6
- 1
Function pointers show an unnecessary diff
#307 opened by dprotaso - 1
Avoid unnecessary parenthesis
#301 opened by dsnet - 3
Unexpected behavior when using the EquateEmpty and IgnoreMapEntries options together with a nil map
#298 opened by Miciah