Pinned issues
- 0
- 2
- 0
Add dependabot to keep GitHub Actions up-to-date
#217 opened by pnacht - 5
JUnit test example for wasm
#197 opened by treblereel - 3
"Native JsType method '...' should be native, abstract or JsOverlay." error prevents default implementation for vanilla Java
#221 opened by kohlschuetter - 9
public methods are too eagerly optimized away; need ability to declare "@export" annotation
#219 opened by kohlschuetter - 0
JRE emulation misses
#214 opened by xamde - 1
Support `rules_jvm_external` or `j2cl_maven_import_external` private registry
#212 opened by tamascsaba - 6
Can't run j2cl on Bazel 6
#200 opened by sgammon - 3
- 0
Automate release/tag of the repo on green builds
#209 opened by gkdn - 1
- 0
How to use it in vite +vue3
#205 opened by wowoName - 0
goog.reflect.sinkValue and deadcode elimination
#202 opened by treblereel - 2
Bazel: accidental impossible target
#201 opened by niloc132 - 3
I receive the following issue during the build. Have anyone an idea what the reason is:
#198 opened by bschenkelberger - 2
Wasm sample broken v2
#195 opened by treblereel - 0
Ready to work on download file
#193 opened by Kaloyan96 - 1
- 4
#189 opened by lemito - 0
package listing?
#182 opened by BobHanson - 2
Wasm sample broken
#179 opened by sdeleuze - 11
- 1
re: Use old proto version until maven issue is fixed
#170 opened by dio - 4
Incorrect `fromCodePoint` emulation
#171 opened by jsannemo - 1
How to get libjre_native.jar and jre_bundle_deploy.jar and jre_bundle_deploy-src.jar?
#169 opened by FlyingYu-Z - 1
Does this support AWT and Swing like TeaVM?
#167 opened - 13
Plans for more core JRE classes?
#149 opened by reportmill - 4
GwtIncompatibleStripper adds an extra newline to files with no `@GwtIncompatible` annotation
#152 opened by niloc132 - 5
Asynchronous functions in a Java/JavaScript library
#144 opened by rbsdc - 3
Enable samples to work with ipv4
#146 opened by dsyer - 1
- 4
Error when subtracting long
#150 opened by rbsdc - 6
Document how to transpile with CLI
#147 opened by dsyer - 2
- 2
- 1
Add support for Math.IEEEremainder
#142 opened by dasa - 0
- 1
Reverse transpilation : Javascript to Java
#139 opened by jkone27 - 1
- 8
Dev bundle unable to deal with uncaught exceptions
#136 opened by jbellis - 6
Example does not work on windows.
#121 opened by vjay82 - 1
- 1
Missing Optional::orElseThrow() from JDK 10
#134 opened by jbellis - 1
Only compiling in dev mode
#133 opened by thomasAtToem - 7
`$isInstance` support for native interfaces?
#128 opened by realityforge - 2
Symbol fields
#125 opened by rendaw - 2
Adding new/experimental ECMA definitions
#124 opened by rendaw - 1
- 2