- 3
Tag a release
#202 opened by PhilipVinc - 3
Why is the covariance a 2D matrix?
#160 opened by LeonhardStorm - 0
Error with batching
#206 opened by HaozhenZhao - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Calling the empirical kernel function with different parameters returns same result
#201 opened by PhilippMisofCH - 0
Question regarding the cookbook
#200 opened by XinyiYS - 1
stax.serial PSDness
#195 opened by wang-fang-cv - 1
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- 7
NTK/NNGP behavior in the infinite regime when weights are drawn from Gaussians with high standard deviation
#197 opened by tengandreaxu - 0
NTK is not PD
#193 opened by bayesfourrier - 2
using stax.Cos(a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.0) to get kernel from conv layer gives error
#192 opened by bayesfourrier - 2
Erf function goes beyond [-1,1]
#191 opened by bangxiangyong - 6
- 2
How to analyze transductive node classification
#151 opened by joneswong - 2
pip install issues
#190 opened by SamTov - 1
How to compute the empirical after kernel?
#189 opened by VMS-6511 - 2
How to obtain aleatoric uncertainty?
#188 opened by bangxiangyong - 7 raises an error
#152 opened by zeinabsadeghian - 6
- 2
eNTK implementation uses deprecated xla attribute
#186 opened by shawn-im - 2
Colab notebooks issue
#187 opened by juan190199 - 3
Question regarding OOM issues
#182 opened by MichaelMMeskhi - 0
Question regarding lr in Neural Tangents Cookbook
#184 opened by alicedimo - 0
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Question: Relu Kernel Computation
#180 opened by yCobanoglu - 4
Question: Connection MLE "parametrized" GP in infinite Width Limit vs minimizing MSE "parametrized" Kernel in infinite Width
#181 opened by yCobanoglu - 1
The analytical output of GP can not fit the result of NNGP generated by the nt.predict.gp_inference
#178 opened by Gengfu-He - 4
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- 1
Defining Own Kernel Function in Neural Tangents
#172 opened by snehjp2 - 2
The different output dimensions in examples
#170 opened by cycyyy - 0
Cases where NTK and NNGP are very different
#169 opened by YehonatanAvidan - 2
Excessive memory consumption for deep networks
#168 opened by jglaser - 2
Feature masks do not get reduced in the kernel
#159 opened by jglaser - 6
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Does neural-tangents work for custom layer?
#165 opened by Shuhul24 - 1
Draw Phase Diagram for CNTK
#164 opened by hhorace - 5
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neural tangents vs flax
#162 opened by po-oya - 1
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Question about training model
#150 opened by Firegreat123 - 2
`nt.empirical_ntk_fn` and `nt.linearize` do not compute gradients past the linear head in a ViT
#149 opened by refitwhisper - 1
Memory profiling with JAX pprof
#147 opened by celidos - 4
Question: I can't release the memory in gpu during execute nt.empirical_ntk_fn
#146 opened by kkeevin123456 - 2
NTK for Inputs on Hypersphere
#143 opened by lkskstlr - 7
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Imports not working
#139 opened by alicedimo