- 0
Pipeline devops build error: WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set to 2.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 4.0 to 10.4.99
#234 opened by AnneliesRTL - 1
Generic initialiser type mismatch causes crashes
#177 opened by tiarnann - 3
Objective-C Promises crashes in SwiftUI previews
#189 opened by paulb777 - 1
- 1
PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy is not included in the framework output built by Carthage
#230 opened by teerapap - 5
iOS build issue with 2.4.0
#229 opened by nobin97 - 15
Version 2.4.0 not compiling
#228 opened by Nonouf - 6
Privacy manifest for sensitive APIs
#225 opened by nabs-m - 0
The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.0.99.
#223 opened by KC-218 - 0
Extremely slow compile time of Objective-C files
#186 opened by Kaspik - 1
Create releases for new versions
#214 opened by tkafka - 0
Build fails for macOS with Xcode 14.3
#209 opened by mdmathias - 0
Builds including PromisesSwift failing on CI
#203 opened by cjhines - 4
Please release a new version of promises that includes latest changes for Firebase
#202 opened by pranjalmd - 5
Ignore a certain Error and terminate Promise
#201 opened by kientux - 3
Question regarding implementation
#200 opened by MikePendo - 1
Bitcode Issue on Xcode 13 when disable it.
#199 opened by angelmic - 1
type(of: value) is NSError.Type
#195 opened by RomanPodymov - 0
Confused when retry a Promise variable
#194 opened by EkkoG - 1
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[FBLPromise HTTPBody]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
#192 opened by johndpope - 4
- 2
FBLPromises fails to load building macos flutter app
#191 opened by sgehrman - 1
ios 16 strings convertible to NSError
#190 opened by ganesh7845 - 13
Bug in iOS 16 DevBeta1
#185 opened by mlch911 - 0
Contextual type for closure argument list expects 1 argument, which cannot be implicitly ignored
#187 opened by TiegoOuedraogo - 0
- 2
FBLPromises crashing
#183 opened by mmdock - 6
Sometimes Post Request Timeout
#179 opened by brandon2727 - 3
How to block until promise completes?
#178 opened by ericsonggg - 0
- 1
Syntax error when attempting to do work in .then{} prior to executing next Promise function
#176 opened by heloguy - 5
Can't reject retry promise
#175 opened by piroznoe - 3
Cannot install 2.0.0 version
#173 opened by alexanderkhitev - 7
Future versions of Swift reserve the word 'await'; if this name is unavoidable, use backticks to escape it
#167 opened by wilg - 0
How can I update the UI view information?
#172 opened by cdwmhcc - 2
How to rethrow error from .catch() ?
#171 opened by tkafka - 0
Error when copying the .framework: cp: macos-arm64_x86_64/PromisesObjC.framework/Headers/Headers: No such file or directory
#170 opened by gumaciel - 2
Failed to build with xcodebuild command
#165 opened by dokinkon - 7
FBLPromise+Wrap.m fie some syntax error
#164 opened by iMinder - 2
dynamic linkage issue
#161 opened by rex-remind101 - 5
Package doesn't have bitcode enabled
#159 opened by MyBuzzTechnologies - 1
- 5
Need the observer api
#153 opened by AirChen - 0
- 2
Promise based tests failing
#155 opened by spry - 18
- 0
Need the observer api
#154 opened by AirChen - 3
Why won't Promise { } fire?
#149 opened by mreaybeaton - 0
pod lib lint error(PromisesObjC.podspec)
#147 opened by sushichop - 2
How to process return value in pass pipeline
#142 opened by 0x0c