
Invalid keyframe value for property transform: translateZ(0) rotate(undefineddeg) [in russian language]

gl1tch2gh0st opened this issue · 1 comments

In additional levels error. Can't complete them, must reload page or exit to Santa's village...

Google Santa Tracker — Code Lab
[Deprecation] Styling master document from stylesheets defined in HTML Imports is deprecated, and is planned to be removed in M65, around March 2018. Please refer to for possible migration paths.
klang.js:2825 [Deprecation] GainNode.gain.value setter smoothing is deprecated and will be removed in M64, around January 2018. Please use setTargetAtTime() instead if smoothing is needed. See for more details.
Audio @ klang.js:2825
klang.js:7528 [Deprecation] BiquadFilterNode.frequency.value setter smoothing is deprecated and will be removed in M64, around January 2018. Please use setTargetAtTime() instead if smoothing is needed. See for more details.
BiquadFilter.init @ klang.js:7528
klang.js:7529 [Deprecation] BiquadFilterNode.Q.value setter smoothing is deprecated and will be removed in M64, around January 2018. Please use setTargetAtTime() instead if smoothing is needed. See for more details.
BiquadFilter.init @ klang.js:7529
klang.js:7530 [Deprecation] BiquadFilterNode.gain.value setter smoothing is deprecated and will be removed in M64, around January 2018. Please use setTargetAtTime() instead if smoothing is needed. See for more details.
BiquadFilter.init @ klang.js:7530
village.html:14 Hi there! Are you interested in learning about how the helper elves build Santa Tracker? 🎅🎄🎁 Watch us 👩‍💻👨‍💻 on the Chrome Developers Channel:
village.html:14 Or find the source code on GitHub:
codelabframe-scene.js:2 api.moveNorth('block_id_13');

codelabframe-scene.js:2 api.moveNorth('block_id_20');

codelabframe-scene.js:2 api.moveNorth('block_id_28');

codelabframe-scene.js:2 for (var count = 0; count < 5; count++) {

codelabframe-scene.js:2 api.moveNorth('block_id_47');
for (var count = 0; count < 4; count++) {
for (var count2 = 0; count2 < 2; count2++) {
for (var count3 = 0; count3 < 4; count3++) {

codelabframe-scene.js:2 api.moveSouth('block_id_61');
for (var count = 0; count < 3; count++) {
for (var count2 = 0; count2 < 4; count2++) {

codelabframe-scene.js:2 for (var count = 0; count < 4; count++) {

codelabframe-scene.js:2 for (var count3 = 0; count3 < 2; count3++) {
  for (var count = 0; count < 2; count++) {
  for (var count2 = 0; count2 < 2; count2++) {

codelabframe-scene.js:1 Invalid keyframe value for property transform: translateZ(0) rotate(undefineddeg)
e.newUnderlyingAnimationForKeyframeEffect @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
runAnimations_ @ codelabframe-scene.js:2
execute @ codelabframe-scene.js:2
F.Scene.onClickRun_ @ codelabframe-scene.js:2
codelabframe-scene.js:2 api.moveJump('block_id_94', 1, 'влево');

codelabframe-scene.js:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'animate' on 'Element': Partial keyframes are not supported.
    at Object.e.newUnderlyingAnimationForKeyframeEffect (
    at e.Animation._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation (
    at new e.Animation (
    at e.AnimationTimeline._play (
    at e.Animation.<anonymous> (
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at e.Animation._constructChildAnimations (
    at Object.e.bindAnimationForGroup (
    at e.Animation._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation (
    at new e.Animation (
e.newUnderlyingAnimationForKeyframeEffect @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
(anonymous) @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_constructChildAnimations @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.bindAnimationForGroup @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
e.Animation @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
_play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
play @ codelabframe-scene.js:1
runAnimations_ @ codelabframe-scene.js:2
execute @ codelabframe-scene.js:2
F.Scene.onClickRun_ @ codelabframe-scene.js:2

Google Santa Tracker — Code Lab error

Data Details
CHROME VERSION 63.0.3239.108
OS VERSION Windows NT: 6.2.9200
about_sync_data {"actionable_error":[{"is_valid":false,"stat_name":"Error Type","stat_value":"Uninitialized"},{"is_valid":false,"stat_name":"Action","stat_value":"Uninitialized"},{"is_valid":false,"stat_name":"URL","stat_value":"Uninitialized"},{"is_valid":false,"stat_name":"Error Description","stat_value":"Uninitialized"}],"actionable_error_detected":false,"details":[{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Summary","stat_value":"Sync service initialized"}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Summary"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Client Version","stat_value":"Google Chrome Windows 63.0.3239.108 (d2626860fae283daee484943e6820af18fc73fd9-refs/branch-heads/3239@{#676}) stable"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Server URL","stat_value":""}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Version Info"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Requested Token","stat_value":"Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 4:56:51 PM"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Received Token","stat_value":"Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 4:56:55 PM"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Token Request Status","stat_value":"OK"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Next Token Request","stat_value":"not scheduled"}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Credentials"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Server Connection","stat_value":"OK since Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 4:56:56 PM"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Last Synced","stat_value":"Just now"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Sync First-Time Setup Complete","stat_value":true},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Sync Backend Initialization","stat_value":"Started"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Syncing","stat_value":false},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Local Sync Backend Enabled","stat_value":false},{"is_valid":false,"stat_name":"Local Backend Path","stat_value":"Uninitialized"}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Local State"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Throttled or Backoff","stat_value":false},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Retry Time","stat_value":"Scheduler is not in backoff or throttled"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Notifications Enabled","stat_value":true}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Network"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Explicit Passphrase","stat_value":false},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Passphrase Required","stat_value":false},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Cryptographer Ready","stat_value":true},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Cryptographer Has Pending Keys","stat_value":false},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Encrypted Types","stat_value":"Passwords, WiFi Credentials"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Has Keystore Key","stat_value":true},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Keystore Migration Time","stat_value":"Monday, August 14, 2017 at 4:17:21 AM"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Passphrase Type","stat_value":"PassphraseType::KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Passphrase Time","stat_value":"No Passphrase Time"}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Encryption"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Sync Source","stat_value":"LOCAL"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"GetKey Step Result","stat_value":"UNSET"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Download Step Result","stat_value":"SYNCER_OK"},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Commit Step Result","stat_value":"SYNCER_OK"}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Status from Last Completed Session"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Notifications Received","stat_value":0},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Updates Downloaded","stat_value":4},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Tombstone Updates","stat_value":0},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Reflected Updates","stat_value":4},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Successful Commits","stat_value":28},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Conflicts Resolved: Client Wins","stat_value":0},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Conflicts Resolved: Server Wins","stat_value":0}],"is_sensitive":false,"title":"Running Totals"},{"data":[{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Encryption Conflicts","stat_value":0},{"is_valid":true,"stat_name":"Hierarchy 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UI","message":"","name":"Bookmarks","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Preferences","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Password","message":"","name":"Passwords","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Autofill Profiles","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Autofill","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Autofill Wallet","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Autofill Wallet Metadata","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Themes","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Typed URLs","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Extensions","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Search Engines","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Sessions","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Apps","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group File","message":"","name":"App settings","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group File","message":"","name":"Extension settings","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"History Delete Directives","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Dictionary","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Favicon Images","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Favicon Tracking","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Non Blocking","message":"","name":"Device Info","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Priority Preferences","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"Datatype not ready at config time.","name":"Managed User Settings","state":"Not Running","status":"disabled"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Managed Users","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group UI","message":"","name":"Managed User Shared Settings","state":"Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"Datatype not ready at config time.","name":"Managed User Whitelists","state":"Not Running","status":"disabled"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"User Events","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"},{"group_type":"Group Passive","message":"","name":"Tabs","state":"Not Running","status":"ok"}],"unrecoverable_error_detected":false}
data_reduction_proxy disabled
enrolled_to_domain Not enrolled to domain
extensions aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb : Google Translate : version 2_0_7 ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb : Web Store : version 0_2 apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf : Google Drive : version 14_1 blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo : YouTube : version 4_2_8 dfdlnlenokgjjchimonbekcmnofmlibg : 20 Things I Learned About Browsers & the Web : version 0_91 dlppkpafhbajpcmmoheippocdidnckmm : Google+ : version 1_5_1_1209 ejidjjhkpiempkbhmpbfngldlkglhimk : Gmail Offline : version 1_20 ejjicmeblgpmajnghnpcppodonldlgfn : Google Calendar : version 4_5_10 gclcmokkcfnjpghegbnebiokigholeli : WebMoney Advisor : version 2_3_9 gfdkimpbcpahaombhbimeihdjnejgicl : Feedback : version 1_0 gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki : Avast Online Security : version 12_0_296 hoboppgpbgclpfnjfdidokiilachfcbb : VkOpt : version 3_0_4_2 kldmnkfegbdiloemiolicnddbokfdcfl : The Matrix : version 1_4 kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd : CryptoTokenExtension : version 0_9_46 lneaknkopdijkpnocmklfnjbeapigfbh : Google Maps : version 5_4_1 mfehgcgbbipciphmccgaenjidiccnmng : Cloud Print : version 0_1 mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai : Chrome PDF Viewer : version 1 neajdppkdcdipfabeoofebfddakdcjhd : Google Network Speech : version 1_0 nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome : Google Hangouts : version 1_3_5 nlmbdmpjmlijibeockamioakdpmhjnpk : Twitch Now : version 1_1_195 nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda : Chrome Web Store Payments : version 1_0_0_3 ocggccaacacpienfcgmgcihoombokbbj : Live Start Page - Living Wallpapers : version 31_0_7 pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia : Gmail : version 8_1 pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm : Chrome Media Router : version 6317_1002_0_5
installer_brand_code GGLS
mem_usage Browser 164 MB private, 19 MB shared Tab [Developer Tools - chrome://system/] 36 MB private, 59 MB shared Tab [Радар Санта-Клауса] 35 MB private, 59 MB shared GPU [] 32 MB private, 59 MB shared Tab [Работа в России] 31 MB private, 58 MB shared Tab [Invalid keyframe value for property transform: translateZ(0) rotate(undefineddeg) · Issue #11 · google/santa-tracker-web] 31 MB private, 59 MB shared Extension [Avast Online Security] 21 MB private, 55 MB shared Extension [Twitch Now] 19 MB private, 55 MB shared Extension [Live Start Page - Living Wallpapers] 19 MB private, 55 MB shared Tab (Chrome) [chrome://system] 18 MB private, 59 MB shared Extension [VkOpt] 13 MB private, 55 MB shared Extension [WebMoney Advisor] 13 MB private, 56 MB shared
usb_keyboard_detected Keyboard Detected: NID_INTEGRATED_TOUCH Device does not support touch. Not a tablet deviceAR_NOSENSOR device: ACPI\PNP0303\4&844A824&0

By image:

Browser diagnostic data

		Operating System
			Windows 8 Pro 64-bit
			Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 @ 2.66GHz	56 °C
			Conroe 65nm Technology
			4.00GB Dual-Channel DDR2 @ 399MHz (6-6-6-18)
			ASUSTeK Computer INC. P5Q-PRO (LGA 775)	49 °C
			B24W-5 (1920x1200@59Hz)
			1024MB NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 (Undefined)	60 °C
			51GB SPCC Solid State Disk (SSD)	30 °C
			298GB Hitachi HDT725032VLA360 (SATA)	38 °C
			970MB Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device (USB)
		Optical Drives
			Realtek High Definition Audio
Operating System
	Windows 8 Pro 64-bit
	Computer type: Desktop
	Installation Date: 12/16/2017 7:13:07 PM
		Windows Security Center
			User Account Control (UAC)	Enabled
			Notify level	2 - Default
		Windows Update
			AutoUpdate	Disabled
		Windows Defender
			Windows Defender	Disabled
			Firewall	Enabled
			Display Name	COMODO Firewall
				Avast Antivirus
					Antivirus	Enabled
					Virus Signature Database	Up to date
				Windows Defender
					Antivirus	Disabled
					Virus Signature Database	Up to date
		.NET Frameworks installed
			v4.6 Full
			v4.6 Client
		Internet Explorer
			Version	10.0.9200.16384
			Version	3.0
		Environment Variables
			USERPROFILE	C:\Users\Evgeniy
			SystemRoot	C:\Windows
				User Variables
					TEMP	C:\Users\Evgeniy\AppData\Local\Temp
					TMP	C:\Users\Evgeniy\AppData\Local\Temp
				Machine Variables
					asl.log	Destination=file
					ComSpec	C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
					OS	Windows_NT
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common
					PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER	Intel64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11, GenuineIntel
					PSModulePath	C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
					TEMP	C:\Windows\TEMP
					TMP	C:\Windows\TEMP
					windir	C:\Windows
		Power Profile
			Active power scheme	Balanced
			Hibernation	Enabled
			Turn Off Monitor after: (On AC Power)	10 min
			Turn Off Hard Disk after: (On AC Power)	20 min
			Suspend after: (On AC Power)	30 min
			Screen saver	Disabled
				Current Session
					Current Time	12/31/2017 5:12:55 PM
					Current Uptime	2,669 sec (0 d, 00 h, 44 m, 29 s)
					Last Boot Time	12/31/2017 4:28:26 PM
			Running	Apple Mobile Device Service
			Running	Application Information
			Running	aswbIDSAgent
			Running	Avast Antivirus
			Running	Background Intelligent Transfer Service
			Running	Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
			Running	Base Filtering Engine
			Running	CNG Key Isolation
			Running	COM+ Event System
			Running	COMODO Dragon Update Service
			Running	COMODO Internet Security Helper Service
			Running	Computer Browser
			Running	Cryptographic Services
			Running	DCOM Server Process Launcher
			Running	Device Association Service
			Running	DHCP Client
			Running	Diagnostic Policy Service
			Running	Diagnostic Service Host
			Running	Diagnostic System Host
			Running	Distributed Link Tracking Client
			Running	DNS Client
			Running	Function Discovery Provider Host
			Running	Function Discovery Resource Publication
			Running	Group Policy Client
			Running	HomeGroup Provider
			Running	IP Helper
			Running	IPsec Policy Agent
			Running	isesrv
			Running	Local Session Manager
			Running	Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
			Running	Network Connections
			Running	Network List Service
			Running	Network Location Awareness
			Running	Network Store Interface Service
			Running	NVIDIA Display Driver Service
			Running	NVIDIA GeForce Experience Service
			Running	NVIDIA Network Service
			Running	NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service
			Running	Peer Name Resolution Protocol
			Running	Peer Networking Identity Manager
			Running	Plug and Play
			Running	Portable Device Enumerator Service
			Running	Power
			Running	Print Spooler
			Running	Program Compatibility Assistant Service
			Running	Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
			Running	RPC Endpoint Mapper
			Running	Security Accounts Manager
			Running	Security Center
			Running	Server
			Running	Shell Hardware Detection
			Running	SSDP Discovery
			Running	Superfetch
			Running	System Event Notification Service
			Running	System Events Broker
			Running	Task Scheduler
			Running	TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
			Running	Themes
			Running	Time Broker
			Running	User Profile Service
			Running	Windows Audio
			Running	Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
			Running	Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
			Running	Windows Connection Manager
			Running	Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework
			Running	Windows Event Log
			Running	Windows Firewall
			Running	Windows Font Cache Service
			Running	Windows Management Instrumentation
			Running	Windows Search
			Running	Windows Update
			Running	WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
			Running	WMI Performance Adapter
			Running	Workstation
			Running	Сервис iPod
			Running	Служба Bonjour
			Stopped	ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
			Stopped	Application Experience
			Stopped	Application Identity
			Stopped	Application Layer Gateway Service
			Stopped	Application Management
			Stopped	BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
			Stopped	Block Level Backup Engine Service
			Stopped	Bluetooth Support Service
			Stopped	BranchCache
			Stopped	Certificate Propagation
			Stopped	COM+ System Application
			Stopped	COMODO Virtual Service Manager
			Stopped	Credential Manager
			Stopped	Device Install Service
			Stopped	Device Setup Manager
			Stopped	Distributed Transaction Coordinator
			Stopped	Encrypting File System (EFS)
			Stopped	Extensible Authentication Protocol
			Stopped	Family Safety
			Stopped	Fax
			Stopped	File History Service
			Stopped	Health Key and Certificate Management
			Stopped	HomeGroup Listener
			Stopped	Human Interface Device Access
			Stopped	Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
			Stopped	Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
			Stopped	Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
			Stopped	Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
			Stopped	Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
			Stopped	Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
			Stopped	IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
			Stopped	Interactive Services Detection
			Stopped	Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
			Stopped	KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
			Stopped	Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
			Stopped	Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
			Stopped	Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
			Stopped	Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
			Stopped	Mozilla Maintenance Service
			Stopped	Multimedia Class Scheduler
			Stopped	Netlogon
			Stopped	Network Access Protection Agent
			Stopped	Network Connectivity Assistant
			Stopped	NVIDIA Streamer Network Service
			Stopped	NVIDIA Streamer Service
			Stopped	Offline Files
			Stopped	Optimize drives
			Stopped	Peer Networking Grouping
			Stopped	Performance Counter DLL Host
			Stopped	Performance Logs & Alerts
			Stopped	PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
			Stopped	Printer Extensions and Notifications
			Stopped	Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support
			Stopped	Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
			Stopped	Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
			Stopped	Remote Access Connection Manager
			Stopped	Remote Desktop Configuration
			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services
			Stopped	Remote Desktop Services UserMode Port Redirector
			Stopped	Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
			Stopped	Remote Registry
			Stopped	Routing and Remote Access
			Stopped	Secondary Logon
			Stopped	Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service
			Stopped	Sensor Monitoring Service
			Stopped	Smart Card
			Stopped	Smart Card Removal Policy
			Stopped	SNMP Trap
			Stopped	Software Protection
			Stopped	Spot Verifier
			Stopped	Steam Client Service
			Stopped	Still Image Acquisition Events
			Stopped	Storage Service
			Stopped	Telephony
			Stopped	Thread Ordering Server
			Stopped	Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
			Stopped	UPnP Device Host
			Stopped	Virtual Disk
			Stopped	Volume Shadow Copy
			Stopped	WebClient
			Stopped	Windows All-User Install Agent
			Stopped	Windows Backup
			Stopped	Windows Biometric Service
			Stopped	Windows Color System
			Stopped	Windows Defender Service
			Stopped	Windows Error Reporting Service
			Stopped	Windows Event Collector
			Stopped	Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
			Stopped	Windows Installer
			Stopped	Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
			Stopped	Windows Modules Installer
			Stopped	Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
			Stopped	Windows Store Service (WSService)
			Stopped	Windows Time
			Stopped	Wired AutoConfig
			Stopped	WLAN AutoConfig
			Stopped	WWAN AutoConfig
			Stopped	Служба Google Update (gupdate)
			Stopped	Служба Google Update (gupdatem)
			Stopped	Служба общего доступа к портам Net.Tcp
			TimeZone	GMT +3:00 Hours
			Language	Russian (Russia)
			Location	Russia
			Format	English (United States)
			Currency	$
			Date Format	M/d/yyyy
			Time Format	h:mm:ss tt
			12/31/2017 5:29 PM;	GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA
			12/31/2017 8:29 PM;	GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore
			Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-3997868082-2663432097-471910051-1001
						12/31/2017  Языковой пакет (английский) — Windows 8 для 64-разрядных систем — (KB2607607) [en-US_LP]
							После установки этого языкового пакета можно изменить язык интерфейса
							на один из языков данного пакета. Быстро проведите пальцем от
							правого края экрана (при использовании мыши укажите на правый
							верхний угол и переместите курсор вниз), затем коснитесь или
							щелкните "Поиск". Введите "язык", выберите "Настройки", затем
							коснитесь или щелкните "Язык". Выберите установленный языковой
							пакет, затем коснитесь или щелкните "Переместить вверх" для перемещения
							в самый верх списка. Выйдите, затем повторно выполните вход для
						12/20/2017  Обновление для ОС Windows (KB2998527)
							Fix for KB2998527
						12/17/2017  Обновление системы безопасности для ОС Windows (KB4012598)
							Fix for KB4012598
				Not Installed
						12/16/2017  Агент Центра обновления Windows 7.8.9200.16924
							Installation Status	Failed
							Агент Центра обновления Windows позволяет компьютеру получать
							и устанавливать обновления из службы обновления. Агент может
							обновляться автоматически, если это требуется для обмена данными
							со службой обновления при поиске новых обновлений для Windows.
		System Folders
			Application Data	C:\ProgramData
			Cookies	C:\Users\Evgeniy\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies
			Desktop	C:\Users\Evgeniy\Desktop
			Documents	C:\Users\Public\Documents
			Fonts	C:\Windows\Fonts
			Global Favorites	C:\Users\Evgeniy\Favorites
			Internet History	C:\Users\Evgeniy\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History
			Local Application Data	C:\Users\Evgeniy\AppData\Local
			Music	C:\Users\Public\Music
			Path for burning CD	C:\Users\Evgeniy\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Burn\Burn
			Physical Desktop	C:\Users\Evgeniy\Desktop
			Pictures	C:\Users\Public\Pictures
			Program Files	C:\Program Files
			Public Desktop	C:\Users\Public\Desktop
			Start Menu	C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
			Start Menu Programs	C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
			Startup	C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
			Templates	C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
			Temporary Internet Files	C:\Users\Evgeniy\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
			User Favorites	C:\Users\Evgeniy\Favorites
			Videos	C:\Users\Public\Videos
			Windows Directory	C:\Windows
			Windows/System	C:\Windows\system32
		Process List
					Process ID	1648
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe
					Memory Usage	7.98 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	11 MB
					Process ID	4024
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	D:\Programs\Avast\x64\aswidsagenta.exe
					Memory Usage	37 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	68 MB
					Process ID	1372
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	D:\Programs\Avast\AvastSvc.exe
					Memory Usage	128 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	174 MB
					Process ID	7376
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	D:\Programs\Avast\AvastUI.exe
					Memory Usage	34 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	93 MB
					Process ID	2900
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Memory Usage	4.33 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	31 MB
					Process ID	5420
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	86 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	129 MB
					Process ID	3936
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	100 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	109 MB
					Process ID	8036
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	91 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	98 MB
					Process ID	5896
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	77 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	99 MB
					Process ID	5540
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	114 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	167 MB
					Process ID	5160
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	73 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	86 MB
					Process ID	4404
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	72 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	75 MB
					Process ID	6632
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	68 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	69 MB
					Process ID	6992
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	292 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	311 MB
					Process ID	7540
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	7.23 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	22 MB
					Process ID	5264
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	7.41 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	22 MB
					Process ID	1232
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	109 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	162 MB
					Process ID	2704
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	72 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	73 MB
					Process ID	8088
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	79 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	85 MB
					Process ID	4064
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	69 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	69 MB
					Process ID	5340
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
					Memory Usage	74 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	77 MB
					Process ID	6372
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Memory Usage	1.85 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	10 MB
					Process ID	8144
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Memory Usage	2.00 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	9.09 MB
					Process ID	1712
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Memory Usage	22 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	34 MB
					Process ID	536
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\csrss.exe
					Memory Usage	4.07 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	4.35 MB
					Process ID	6880
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\csrss.exe
					Memory Usage	5.84 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	21 MB
					Process ID	1792
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\dashost.exe
					Memory Usage	9.11 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	10 MB
					Process ID	4968
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\DllHost.exe
					Memory Usage	5.50 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	5.50 MB
					Process ID	6796
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\DllHost.exe
					Memory Usage	4.85 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	4.85 MB
					Process ID	1768
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Dragon\dragon_updater.exe
					Memory Usage	7.00 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	8.45 MB
					Process ID	6944
					User	DWM-2
					Domain	Window Manager
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\dwm.exe
					Memory Usage	25 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	50 MB
					Process ID	3020
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
					Memory Usage	77 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	85 MB
					Process ID	1844
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\GeForce Experience Service\GfExperienceService.exe
					Memory Usage	8.27 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	11 MB
					Process ID	6524
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	D:\Programs\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe
					Memory Usage	151 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	171 MB
					Process ID	420
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\GoogleCrashHandler.exe
					Memory Usage	KB
					Peak Memory Usage	5.16 MB
					Process ID	3204
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\GoogleCrashHandler64.exe
					Memory Usage	808 KB
					Peak Memory Usage	4.98 MB
					Process ID	3556
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe
					Memory Usage	6.55 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	6.88 MB
					Process ID	1896
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\COMODO\Internet Security Essentials\isesrv.exe
					Memory Usage	4.23 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	4.74 MB
					Process ID	6904
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	D:\Programs\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe
					Memory Usage	13 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	13 MB
					Process ID	7604
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	D:\Programs\Joxi\joxi.exe
					Memory Usage	23 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	23 MB
					Process ID	700
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe
					Memory Usage	10 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	12 MB
					Process ID	1668
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe
					Memory Usage	5.18 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	5.66 MB
					Process ID	8160
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvBackend.exe
					Memory Usage	15 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	34 MB
					Process ID	1992
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NetService\NvNetworkService.exe
					Memory Usage	7.27 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	11 MB
					Process ID	880
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe
					Memory Usage	5.62 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	8.61 MB
					Process ID	7468
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe
					Memory Usage	11 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	11 MB
					Process ID	7676
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe
					Memory Usage	12 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	13 MB
					Process ID	860
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe
					Memory Usage	7.07 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	7.24 MB
					Process ID	5412
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvxdsync.exe
					Memory Usage	17 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	18 MB
					Process ID	8120
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe
					Memory Usage	11 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	14 MB
					Process ID	4916
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	D:\Programs\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\script-fu.exe
					Memory Usage	14 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	15 MB
					Process ID	4440
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\SearchIndexer.exe
					Memory Usage	13 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	17 MB
					Process ID	684
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\services.exe
					Memory Usage	9.17 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	17 MB
					Process ID	368
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	\SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
					Memory Usage	920 KB
					Peak Memory Usage	1.02 MB
					Process ID	1472
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	D:\Programs\Speccy\Speccy64.exe
					Memory Usage	24 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	24 MB
					Process ID	1464
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe
					Memory Usage	8.37 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	9.59 MB
					Process ID	4924
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Windows\System32\StikyNot.exe
					Memory Usage	12 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	13 MB
					Process ID	1300
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	13 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	13 MB
					Process ID	2268
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	7.63 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	11 MB
					Process ID	1644
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	4.16 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	6.62 MB
					Process ID	6388
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	5.86 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	6.96 MB
					Process ID	1504
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	19 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	67 MB
					Process ID	808
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	8.91 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	9.30 MB
					Process ID	924
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	8.07 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	10 MB
					Process ID	976
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	26 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	28 MB
					Process ID	392
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	30 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	1.32 GB
					Process ID	1032
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	13 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	19 MB
					Process ID	1140
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
					Memory Usage	15 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	19 MB
					Process ID	4
					Memory Usage	596 KB
					Peak Memory Usage	13 MB
				System Idle Process
					Process ID	0
					Process ID	6812
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\taskhost.exe
					Memory Usage	13 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	14 MB
					Process ID	6260
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\taskhostex.exe
					Memory Usage	9.36 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	9.39 MB
					Process ID	1052
					User	Evgeniy
					Domain	EVGENIY
					Path	C:\Program Files (x86)\Comodo\Internet Security Essentials\vkise.exe
					Memory Usage	12 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	13 MB
					Process ID	604
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\wininit.exe
					Memory Usage	1.96 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	3.48 MB
					Process ID	4100
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe
					Memory Usage	7.86 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	17 MB
					Process ID	3344
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\wbem\WmiApSrv.exe
					Memory Usage	6.36 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	6.36 MB
					Process ID	4944
					User	СИСТЕМА
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe
					Memory Usage	14 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	28 MB
					Process ID	4720
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe
					Memory Usage	13 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	15 MB
					Process ID	3860
					Domain	NT AUTHORITY
					Path	C:\Windows\System32\WUDFHost.exe
					Memory Usage	5.68 MB
					Peak Memory Usage	6.54 MB
		Security Options
			Accounts: Administrator account status	Disabled
			Accounts: Block Microsoft accounts	Not Defined
			Accounts: Guest account status	Enabled
			Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only	Enabled
			Accounts: Rename administrator account	Администратор
			Accounts: Rename guest account	Гость
			Audit: Audit the access of global system objects	Disabled
			Audit: Audit the use of Backup and Restore privilege	Disabled
			Audit: Force audit policy subcategory settings (Windows Vista or later) to override audit policy category settings	Not Defined
			Audit: Shut down system immediately if unable to log security audits	Disabled
			DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax	Not Defined
			DCOM: Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax	Not Defined
			Devices: Allow undock without having to log on	Enabled
			Devices: Allowed to format and eject removable media	Not Defined
			Devices: Prevent users from installing printer drivers	Disabled
			Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only	Not Defined
			Devices: Restrict floppy access to locally logged-on user only	Not Defined
			Domain controller: Allow server operators to schedule tasks	Not Defined
			Domain controller: LDAP server signing requirements	Not Defined
			Domain controller: Refuse machine account password changes	Not Defined
			Domain member: Digitally encrypt or sign secure channel data (always)	Enabled
			Domain member: Digitally encrypt secure channel data (when possible)	Enabled
			Domain member: Digitally sign secure channel data (when possible)	Enabled
			Domain member: Disable machine account password changes	Disabled
			Domain member: Maximum machine account password age	30 days
			Domain member: Require strong (Windows 2000 or later) session key	Enabled
			Interactive logon: Display user information when the session is locked	Not Defined
			Interactive logon: Do not display last user name	Disabled
			Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL	Not Defined
			Interactive logon: Machine account lockout threshold	Not Defined
			Interactive logon: Machine inactivity limit	Not Defined
			Interactive logon: Message text for users attempting to log on
			Interactive logon: Message title for users attempting to log on
			Interactive logon: Number of previous logons to cache (in case domain controller is not available)	10 logons
			Interactive logon: Prompt user to change password before expiration	5 days
			Interactive logon: Require Domain Controller authentication to unlock workstation	Disabled
			Interactive logon: Require smart card	Disabled
			Interactive logon: Smart card removal behavior	No Action
			Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always)	Disabled
			Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (if server agrees)	Enabled
			Microsoft network client: Send unencrypted password to third-party SMB servers	Disabled
			Microsoft network server: Amount of idle time required before suspending session	15 minutes
			Microsoft network server: Attempt S4U2Self to obtain claim information	Not Defined
			Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)	Disabled
			Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (if client agrees)	Disabled
			Microsoft network server: Disconnect clients when logon hours expire	Enabled
			Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level	Not Defined
			Network access: Allow anonymous SID/Name translation	Disabled
			Network access: Do not allow anonymous enumeration of SAM accounts	Enabled
			Network access: Do not allow anonymous enumeration of SAM accounts and shares	Disabled
			Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication	Disabled
			Network access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users	Disabled
			Network access: Named Pipes that can be accessed anonymously
			Network access: Remotely accessible registry paths	System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Server Applications,Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
			Network access: Remotely accessible registry paths and sub-paths	System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog,Software\Microsoft\OLAP Server,Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print,Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\UserConfig,System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\DefaultUserConfiguration,Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysmonLog
			Network access: Restrict anonymous access to Named Pipes and Shares	Enabled
			Network access: Shares that can be accessed anonymously	Not Defined
			Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts	Classic - local users authenticate as themselves
			Network security: Allow Local System to use computer identity for NTLM	Not Defined
			Network security: Allow LocalSystem NULL session fallback	Not Defined
			Network security: Allow PKU2U authentication requests to this computer to use online identities.

	Not Defined
			Network security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos	Not Defined
			Network security: Do not store LAN Manager hash value on next password change	Enabled
			Network security: Force logoff when logon hours expire	Disabled
			Network security: LAN Manager authentication level	Not Defined
			Network security: LDAP client signing requirements	Negotiate signing
			Network security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP based (including secure RPC) clients	Require 128-bit encryption
			Network security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP based (including secure RPC) servers	Require 128-bit encryption
			Network security: Restrict NTLM: Add remote server exceptions for NTLM authentication	Not Defined
			Network security: Restrict NTLM: Add server exceptions in this domain	Not Defined
			Network security: Restrict NTLM: Audit Incoming NTLM Traffic	Not Defined
			Network security: Restrict NTLM: Audit NTLM authentication in this domain	Not Defined
			Network security: Restrict NTLM: Incoming NTLM traffic	Not Defined
			Network security: Restrict NTLM: NTLM authentication in this domain	Not Defined
			Network security: Restrict NTLM: Outgoing NTLM traffic to remote servers	Not Defined
			Recovery console: Allow automatic administrative logon	Disabled
			Recovery console: Allow floppy copy and access to all drives and all folders	Disabled
			Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on	Enabled
			Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile	Disabled
			System cryptography: Force strong key protection for user keys stored on the computer	Not Defined
			System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing	Disabled
			System objects: Require case insensitivity for non-Windows subsystems	Enabled
			System objects: Strengthen default permissions of internal system objects (e.g. Symbolic Links)	Enabled
			System settings: Optional subsystems	Posix
			System settings: Use Certificate Rules on Windows Executables for Software Restriction Policies	Disabled
			User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account	Disabled
			User Account Control: Allow UIAccess applications to prompt for elevation without using the secure desktop	Disabled
			User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode	Prompt for consent for non-Windows binaries
			User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users	Prompt for credentials
			User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation	Enabled
			User Account Control: Only elevate executables that are signed and validated	Disabled
			User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations	Enabled
			User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode	Enabled
			User Account Control: Switch to the secure desktop when prompting for elevation	Enabled
			User Account Control: Virtualize file and registry write failures to per-user locations	Enabled
		Device Tree
				ACPI x64-based PC
						Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
							ACPI Fixed Feature Button
							ACPI Power Button
							Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz
							Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz
							System board
								PCI Express Root Complex
									Intel 4 Series Chipset Processor to I/O Controller - 2E20
									Intel 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
									Intel ICH10 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 3A40
									Intel ICH10 Family SMBus Controller - 3A30
									Motherboard resources
									System board
										Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port - 2E21
												NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
													Generic PnP Monitor
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A37
											USB Root Hub
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A38
											USB Root Hub
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A39
											USB Root Hub
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3A3C
												USB Root Hub
														USB Mass Storage Device
															Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device
															Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device
										High Definition Audio Controller
												Realtek High Definition Audio
													Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
													Realtek Digital Output(RCA) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
													Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
													Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio)
													Микрофон (Realtek High Definition Audio)
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family PCI Express Root Port 6 - 3A4A
											Ethernet-контроллер Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A34
											USB Root Hub
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A35
											USB Root Hub
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 3A36
											USB Root Hub
										Intel(R) ICH10 Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 3A3A
											USB Root Hub
										Intel(R) ICH10R LPC Interface Controller - 3A16
											ATK0110 ACPI UTILITY
											Direct memory access controller
											High precision event timer
											Intel 82802 Firmware Hub Device
											Microsoft PS/2 Mouse
											Motherboard resources
											Motherboard resources
											Motherboard resources
											Motherboard resources
											Numeric data processor
											Programmable interrupt controller
											Standard PS/2 Keyboard
											System CMOS/real time clock
											System speaker
											System timer
											Последовательный порт (COM1)
										Standard SATA AHCI Controller
											Hitachi HDT725032VLA360
											HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50
											SPCC Solid State Disk
		Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
			Cores	2
			Threads	2
			Name	Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
			Code Name	Conroe
			Package	Socket 775 LGA
			Technology	65nm
			Specification	Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz
			Family	6
			Extended Family	6
			Model	F
			Extended Model	F
			Stepping	B
			Revision	G0
			Instructions	MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, Intel 64, NX, VMX
			Virtualization	Supported, Enabled
			Hyperthreading	Not supported
			Fan Speed	1430 RPM
			Rated Bus Speed	1333.2 MHz
			Stock Core Speed	2666 MHz
			Stock Bus Speed	333 MHz
			Average Temperature	56 °C
					L1 Data Cache Size	2 x 32 KBytes
					L1 Instructions Cache Size	2 x 32 KBytes
					L2 Unified Cache Size	4096 KBytes
						Core 0
							Core Speed	1999.7 MHz
							Multiplier	x 6.0
							Bus Speed	333.3 MHz
							Rated Bus Speed	1333.2 MHz
							Temperature	56 °C
							Threads	APIC ID: 0
						Core 1
							Core Speed	1999.7 MHz
							Multiplier	x 6.0
							Bus Speed	333.3 MHz
							Rated Bus Speed	1333.2 MHz
							Temperature	55 °C
							Threads	APIC ID: 1
		Memory slots
			Total memory slots	4
			Used memory slots	2
			Free memory slots	2
			Type	DDR2
			Size	4096 MBytes
			Channels #	Dual
			DRAM Frequency	399.9 MHz
			CAS# Latency (CL)	6 clocks
			RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD)	6 clocks
			RAS# Precharge (tRP)	6 clocks
			Cycle Time (tRAS)	18 clocks
			Command Rate (CR)	2T
		Physical Memory
			Memory Usage	50 %
			Total Physical	4.00 GB
			Available Physical	1.97 GB
			Total Virtual	8.00 GB
			Available Virtual	5.57 GB
			Number Of SPD Modules	2
				Slot #1
					Type	DDR2
					Size	2048 MBytes
					Manufacturer	Hyundai Electronics
					Max Bandwidth	PC2-6400 (400 MHz)
					Part Number	HYMP125U64CP8-S6
					Serial Number	00004105
					Week/year	44 / 08
						Timing table
								JEDEC #1
									Frequency	266.7 MHz
									CAS# Latency	4.0
									RAS# To CAS#	4
									RAS# Precharge	4
									tRAS	12
									tRC	16
									Voltage	1.800 V
								JEDEC #2
									Frequency	333.3 MHz
									CAS# Latency	5.0
									RAS# To CAS#	5
									RAS# Precharge	5
									tRAS	15
									tRC	20
									Voltage	1.800 V
								JEDEC #3
									Frequency	400.0 MHz
									CAS# Latency	6.0
									RAS# To CAS#	6
									RAS# Precharge	6
									tRAS	18
									tRC	24
									Voltage	1.800 V
				Slot #2
					Type	DDR2
					Size	2048 MBytes
					Manufacturer	Hyundai Electronics
					Max Bandwidth	PC2-6400 (400 MHz)
					Part Number	HYMP125U64CP8-S6
					Serial Number	00016392
					Week/year	44 / 08
						Timing table
								JEDEC #1
									Frequency	266.7 MHz
									CAS# Latency	4.0
									RAS# To CAS#	4
									RAS# Precharge	4
									tRAS	12
									tRC	16
									Voltage	1.800 V
								JEDEC #2
									Frequency	333.3 MHz
									CAS# Latency	5.0
									RAS# To CAS#	5
									RAS# Precharge	5
									tRAS	15
									tRC	20
									Voltage	1.800 V
								JEDEC #3
									Frequency	400.0 MHz
									CAS# Latency	6.0
									RAS# To CAS#	6
									RAS# Precharge	6
									tRAS	18
									tRC	24
									Voltage	1.800 V
	Manufacturer	ASUSTeK Computer INC.
	Model	P5Q-PRO (LGA 775)
	Version	Rev 1.xx
	Chipset Vendor	Intel
	Chipset Model	P45/P43/G45/G43
	Chipset Revision	A3
	Southbridge Vendor	Intel
	Southbridge Model	82801JR (ICH10R)
	Southbridge Revision	00
	System Temperature	49 °C
			Brand	American Megatrends Inc.
			Version	2102
			Date	2/23/2009
			CPU CORE	1.128 V
			+3.3V	3.344 V
			+5V	4.992 V
			+12V	11.933 V
			VIN6	1.440 V
		PCI Data
				Slot PCI-E
					Slot Type	PCI-E
					Slot Usage	In Use
					Bus Width	32 bit
					Slot Designation	PCIEX16_1
					Characteristics	3.3V, Shared, PME
					Slot Number	0
				Slot PCI-E
					Slot Type	PCI-E
					Slot Usage	Available
					Bus Width	32 bit
					Slot Designation	PCIEX1_1
					Characteristics	3.3V, Shared, PME
					Slot Number	1
				Slot PCI-E
					Slot Type	PCI-E
					Slot Usage	In Use
					Bus Width	64 bit
					Slot Designation	PCIEX1_2
					Characteristics	3.3V, Shared, PME
					Slot Number	2
				Slot PCI-E
					Slot Type	PCI-E
					Slot Usage	Available
					Bus Width	32 bit
					Slot Designation	PCIEX16_2
					Characteristics	3.3V, Shared, PME
					Slot Number	3
				Slot PCI
					Slot Type	PCI
					Slot Usage	Available
					Bus Width	32 bit
					Slot Designation	PCI_1
					Characteristics	3.3V, Shared, PME
					Slot Number	4
				Slot PCI
					Slot Type	PCI
					Slot Usage	Available
					Bus Width	32 bit
					Slot Designation	PCI_2
					Characteristics	3.3V, Shared, PME
					Slot Number	5
			Name	B24W-5 on NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
			Current Resolution	1920x1200 pixels
			Work Resolution	1920x1200 pixels
			State	Enabled, Primary
			Monitor Width	1920
			Monitor Height	1200
			Monitor BPP	32 bits per pixel
			Monitor Frequency	59 Hz
			Device	\\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
		NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
			Manufacturer	NVIDIA
			Model	GeForce GTS 250
			GPU	G92
			Device ID	10DE-0615
			Revision	A3
			Subvendor	Undefined (0000)
			Current Performance Level	Level 0
			Technology	65 nm
			Die Size	330 mm?
			Transistors	754 M
			Release Date	Mar 3, 2009
			DirectX Support	10.0
			DirectX Shader Model	4.0
			OpenGL Support	3.0
			Bus Interface	PCI Express x16
			Temperature	60 °C
			Driver version
			BIOS Version	62.92.9a.00.00
			ROPs	16
			Shaders	128 unified
			Memory Type	GDDR3
			Memory	1024 MB
			Bus Width	64x4 (256 bit)
			Anti Aliasing Modes	-?-
			Filtering Modes	Bilinear, Trilinear, 2x Anisotropic, 4x Anisotropic, 8x Anisotropic, 16x Anisotropic
			Noise Level	Moderate
			Max Power Draw	150 Watts
				Count of performance levels : 1
					Level 1 - "Perf Level 0"
		Hard drives
				SPCC Solid State Disk
					Heads	16
					Cylinders	6,689
					Tracks	1,705,695
					Sectors	107,458,785
					SATA type	SATA-III 6.0Gb/s
					Device type	Fixed
					ATA Standard	ATA8-ACS
					Serial Number	004260002C
					Firmware Version Number	582ABBF0
					LBA Size	48-bit LBA
					Power On Count	987 times
					Power On Time	333.9 days
					Speed	Not used (SSD Drive)
					Features	S.M.A.R.T., APM, NCQ, TRIM, SSD
					Max. Transfer Mode	SATA III 6.0Gb/s
					Used Transfer Mode	SATA II 3.0Gb/s
					Interface	SATA
					Capacity	51 GB
					Real size	55,021,510,656 bytes
					RAID Type	None
							Status	Good
							Temperature	30 °C
							Temperature Range	OK (less than 50 °C)
								S.M.A.R.T attributes
											Attribute name	Read Error Rate
											Real value	0
											Current	95
											Worst	95
											Threshold	50
											Raw Value	00011F89C4
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Retired Block Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	3
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Power-On Hours (POH)
											Real value	333d 22h
											Current	91
											Worst	91
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000001F4E
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Device Power Cycle Count
											Real value	987
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00000003DB
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Program Fail Block Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Erase Fail Block Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Unexpected Power Loss
											Real value	178
											Current	0
											Worst	0
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00000000B2
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Wear Range Delta
											Real value	98
											Current	0
											Worst	0
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000062
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Program Fail Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Erase Fail Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Reported Uncorrectable Errors
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Temperature
											Real value	30 °C
											Current	30
											Worst	30
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00001E001E
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	On the fly ECC Uncorrectable Error Count
											Real value	18,844,100
											Current	120
											Worst	120
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00011F89C4
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Reallocation Event Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	3
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Uncorrectable Soft Read Error Rate
											Real value	18,844,100
											Current	120
											Worst	120
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00011F89C4
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Soft ECC Correction Rate
											Real value	18,844,100
											Current	120
											Worst	120
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00011F89C4
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Life Curve Status
											Real value	100
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000064
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	SSD Life Left
											Real value	4,294,967,297
											Current	98
											Worst	98
											Threshold	10
											Raw Value	0000000001
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Media Wearout Indicator
											Real value	11,115
											Current	0
											Worst	0
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000002B6B
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Vendor Specific
											Real value	9,727
											Current	0
											Worst	0
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00000025FF
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Lifetime Writes From Host
											Real value	9,727
											Current	0
											Worst	0
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00000025FF
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Lifetime Reads from Host
											Real value	6,203
											Current	0
											Worst	0
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	000000183B
											Status	Good
						Partition 0
							Partition ID	Disk #0, Partition #0
							File System	NTFS
							Volume Serial Number	AA00EC5E
							Size	349 MB
							Used Space	48 MB (13%)
							Free Space	301 MB (87%)
						Partition 1
							Partition ID	Disk #0, Partition #1
							Disk Letter	C:
							File System	NTFS
							Volume Serial Number	620BFAAF
							Size	50 GB
							Used Space	30.7 GB (60%)
							Free Space	20.2 GB (40%)
				Hitachi HDT725032VLA360
					Manufacturer	Hitachi
					Product Family	Deskstar
					Series Prefix	Differentiator between two models with the same name
					Model Capacity For This Specific Drive	320GB
					Heads	16
					Cylinders	38,913
					Tracks	9,922,815
					Sectors	625,137,345
					SATA type	SATA-II 3.0Gb/s
					Device type	Fixed
					ATA Standard	ATA/ATAPI-7
					Serial Number	VFH200R2DNGB2T
					Firmware Version Number	V54OA7EA
					LBA Size	48-bit LBA
					Power On Count	3982 times
					Power On Time	642.1 days
					Features	S.M.A.R.T., APM, AAM, NCQ
					Max. Transfer Mode	SATA II 3.0Gb/s
					Used Transfer Mode	SATA II 3.0Gb/s
					Interface	SATA
					Capacity	298 GB
					Real size	320,071,851,520 bytes
					RAID Type	None
							Status	Good
							Temperature	38 °C
							Temperature Range	OK (less than 50 °C)
								S.M.A.R.T attributes
											Attribute name	Read Error Rate
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	16
											Raw Value	0000010000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Throughput Performance
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	50
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Spin-Up Time
											Real value	22348104 ms
											Current	112
											Worst	112
											Threshold	24
											Raw Value	0001550148
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Start/Stop Count
											Real value	4,955
											Current	99
											Worst	99
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	000000135B
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Reallocated Sectors Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	5
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Seek Error Rate
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	67
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Seek Time Performance
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	20
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Power-On Hours (POH)
											Real value	642d 2h
											Current	98
											Worst	98
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000003C32
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Spin Retry Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	60
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Device Power Cycle Count
											Real value	3,982
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000F8E
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Power-off Retract Count
											Real value	5,337
											Current	96
											Worst	96
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00000014D9
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Load/Unload Cycle Count
											Real value	5,337
											Current	96
											Worst	96
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	00000014D9
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Temperature
											Real value	38 °C
											Current	157
											Worst	157
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000070026
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Reallocation Event Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Current Pending Sector Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	Uncorrectable Sector Count
											Real value	0
											Current	100
											Worst	100
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000000
											Status	Good
											Attribute name	UltraDMA CRC Error Count
											Real value	3,655
											Current	200
											Worst	253
											Threshold	0
											Raw Value	0000000E47
											Status	Good
						Partition 0
							Partition ID	Disk #1, Partition #0
							Disk Letter	D:
							File System	NTFS
							Volume Serial Number	5E987FE1
							Size	298 GB
							Used Space	102 GB (34%)
							Free Space	195 GB (66%)
		Flash drives
				Generic STORAGE DEVICE USB Device
					Interface	USB
					Capacity	970 MB
					Real size	1,017,643,008 bytes
					RAID Type	None
							S.M.A.R.T not supported
						Partition 0
							Partition ID	Disk #3, Partition #0
							Disk Letter	F:
							File System	FAT32
							Volume Serial Number	13EC310C
							Size	966 MB
							Used Space	783 MB (81%)
							Free Space	183 MB (19%)
Optical Drives
			Media Type	DVD Writer
			Availability	Running/Full Power
			Capabilities	Random Access, Supports Writing, Supports Removable Media
			Write capabilities	CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL
			Config Manager Error Code	Device is working properly
			Config Manager User Config	FALSE
			Drive	H:
			Media Loaded	FALSE
			SCSI Bus	5
			SCSI Logical Unit	0
			SCSI Port	0
			SCSI Target Id	0
			Status	OK
		Sound Cards
			Realtek High Definition Audio
			NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
		Playback Devices
			Realtek HD Audio 2nd output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
			Realtek Digital Output(RCA) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
			Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio)	(default)
			Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
		Recording Device
			Микрофон (Realtek High Definition Audio)
		Speaker Configuration
			Speaker type	Stereo
		Standard PS/2 Keyboard
			Device Kind	Keyboard
			Device Name	Standard PS/2 Keyboard
			Vendor	PNP
			Location	Intel ICH10R LPC Interface Controller - 3A16
					Date	6-21-2006
					Version	6.2.9200.16384
					File	C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\i8042prt.sys
					File	C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\kbdclass.sys
		Microsoft PS/2 Mouse
			Device Kind	Mouse
			Device Name	Microsoft PS/2 Mouse
			Vendor	PNP
			Location	Intel ICH10R LPC Interface Controller - 3A16
					Date	6-21-2006
					Version	6.2.9200.16384
					File	C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\i8042prt.sys
					File	C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\mouclass.sys
			Device Kind	Portable Device
			Vendor	GENERIC
			Comment	G:\
			Location	UMBus Enumerator
					Date	6-21-2006
					Version	6.2.9200.16384
					File	C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\WUDFRd.sys
		Hitachi HDT725032VLA360
			Device Kind	Portable Device
			Device Name	Hitachi HDT725032VLA360
			Vendor	Microsoft
			Comment	Archive
			Location	UMBus Enumerator
					Date	6-21-2006
					Version	6.2.9200.16384
					File	C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\WUDFRd.sys
					Printer Port	SHRFAX:
					Print Processor	winprint
					Availability	Always
					Priority	1
					Duplex	None
					Print Quality	200 * 200 dpi Monochrome
					Status	Unknown
							Driver Name	Microsoft Shared Fax Driver (v4.00)
							Driver Path	C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\FXSDRV.DLL
				Microsoft XPS Document Writer (Default Printer)
					Printer Port	PORTPROMPT:
					Print Processor	winprint
					Availability	Always
					Priority	1
					Duplex	None
					Print Quality	600 * 600 dpi Color
					Status	Unknown
							Driver Name	Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 (v6.00)
							Driver Path	C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\ntprint.inf_amd64_33076fad6e030706\Amd64\mxdwdrv.dll
	You are connected to the internet
	Connected through	Ethernet-контроллер Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E
	IP Address
	Subnet mask
	Gateway server
	Preferred DNS server
	Alternate DNS server
	DHCP	Enabled
	DHCP server
	External IP Address
	Adapter Type	Ethernet
	NetBIOS over TCP/IP	Enabled via DHCP
	NETBIOS Node Type	Hybrid node
	Link Speed	0 Bps
		Computer Name
			DNS Name	Evgeniy
			Membership	Part of workgroup
			Workgroup	WORKGROUP
		Remote Desktop
					State	Active
					Domain	EVGENIY
		WinInet Info
			LAN Connection
			Local system uses a local area network to connect to the Internet
			Local system has RAS to connect to the Internet
		Wi-Fi Info
			Wi-Fi not enabled
			WinHTTPSessionProxyType	No proxy
			Session Proxy
			Session Proxy Bypass
			Connect Retries	5
			Connect Timeout (ms)	60,000
			HTTP Version	HTTP 1.1
			Max Connects Per 1.0 Servers	INFINITE
			Max Connects Per Servers	INFINITE
			Max HTTP automatic redirects	10
			Max HTTP status continue	10
			Send Timeout (ms)	30,000
			IEProxy Auto Detect	Yes
			IEProxy Auto Config
			IEProxy Bypass
			Default Proxy Config Access Type	No proxy
			Default Config Proxy
			Default Config Proxy Bypass
		Sharing and Discovery
			Network Discovery	Enabled
			File and Printer Sharing	Enabled
			File and printer sharing service	Enabled
			Simple File Sharing	Enabled
			Administrative Shares	Enabled
			Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts	Classic - local users authenticate as themselves
		Adapters List
						Ethernet-контроллер Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 PCI-E
							Connection-specific DNS Suffix	Dlink
							Connection Name	Ethernet
							NetBIOS over TCPIP	Yes
							DHCP enabled	Yes
							MAC Address	00-23-54-79-1E-E1
							IP Address
							Subnet mask
							Gateway server
							DNS Server
		Network Shares
			Users	C:\Users
		Current TCP Connections
				AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (1648)
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... )
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... )
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... )
				AvastSvc.exe (1372)
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... ) (HTTP)
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
				C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (6992)
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... )
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... ) (HTTPS)
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... ) (HTTPS)
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... ) (HTTP)
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... ) (HTTPS)
					Local	CLOSE-WAIT Remote (Querying... ) (HTTPS)
				C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE (3020)
					Local	CLOSE-WAIT Remote (Querying... ) (HTTP)
				cmdagent.exe (1712)
					Local	CLOSE-WAIT Remote (Querying... ) (HTTPS)
					Local	CLOSE-WAIT Remote (Querying... ) (HTTPS)
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... ) (HTTPS)
				D:\Programs\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe (6904)
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... )
				D:\Programs\Joxi\joxi.exe (7604)
					Local	LISTEN
				dragon_updater.exe (1768)
					Local	CLOSE-WAIT Remote (Querying... ) (HTTP)
					Local	CLOSE-WAIT Remote (Querying... ) (HTTP)
				lsass.exe (700)
					Local	LISTEN
				mDNSResponder.exe (1668)
					Local	LISTEN
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... )
					Local	ESTABLISHED Remote (Querying... )
				NvNetworkService.exe (1992)
					Local	LISTEN
				services.exe (684)
					Local	LISTEN
				svchost.exe (392)
					Local	LISTEN
				svchost.exe (924)
					Local (DCE)	LISTEN
				svchost.exe (976)
					Local	LISTEN
				System Process
					Local (Windows shares)	LISTEN
					Local	LISTEN
					Local (NetBIOS session service)	LISTEN
				wininit.exe (604)
					Local	LISTEN
Generated with Speccy v1.31.732

By image:

Computer's tech specs


UPD.: It's work in eng. version...

Google Santa Tracker — Elf complete

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🦌✨

two years later it's still an issue...
