- 3
Guile bootstrap seems to be broken again?
#117 opened by cwebber - 2
master playground doesn't work
#105 opened by mohe2015 - 1
test/ fails
#116 opened by eholk - 14
Online playground
#1 opened by stereobooster - 0
Allow multiple tests per test file
#115 opened by eholk - 0
bug related to tail-call-indirect
#112 opened by jitwit - 0
equal? should handle cyclic structures
#110 opened by eholk - 2
Allow inline Wasm
#68 opened by eholk - 6
- 0
Try µKanren as a test case
#81 opened by eholk - 2
Allow importing libraries from other files
#19 opened by eholk - 0
Do we want a SchismValue or similar class?
#102 opened by eholk - 5
Add test case for string `eq?` behavior
#97 opened by eholk - 5
More efficient string representation
#38 opened by eholk - 1
Add some kind of `include-data` macro
#99 opened by eholk - 0
Add file input ports
#84 opened by eholk - 3
Add a command to compile a file to .wasm
#86 opened by amirouche - 6
Remove `list-all-eq?`
#91 opened by eholk - 2 review: What does Schism do?
#93 opened by AMDphreak - 4
- 1
Pass options to Schism.Engine as a dictionary
#88 opened by eholk - 8
Add call/cc
#75 opened by eholk - 5
First class procedures
#85 opened by amirouche - 2
Add a garbage collector
#6 opened by eholk - 0
Parallelize test runner
#51 opened by eholk - 0
Add support for failure tests
#83 opened by eholk - 4
Support static data
#39 opened by eholk - 6
Support proper tail calls
#5 opened by eholk - 0
Add macro expander
#79 opened by eholk - 1
Add dead code elimination pass
#76 opened by eholk - 0
Lower default memory size
#56 opened by eholk - 1
Explore reference types and the host GC
#57 opened by wingo - 19
Compilation speed
#32 opened by matthewp - 2
Automate snapshot generation process
#50 opened by eholk - 0
Add tests that verify output
#41 opened by eholk - 0
Add support for bytevectors
#37 opened by matthewp - 7
- 5
Provide some cli options
#30 opened by matthewp - 3
Add support for lambda
#4 opened by eholk - 1
number->leb-u8-list is incorrect
#18 opened by eholk - 1
non-conform wasm?
#23 opened by pannous - 2
More friendly error messages
#8 opened by stereobooster - 1
cddar (newly added) is incorrect
#13 opened by gregid