- 8
Cannot import Trax
#1776 opened by Nuna7 - 1
Inconsistency in function's doc-string
#1794 opened by jaindhairyahere - 1
Error loading loop from a checkpoint
#1790 opened by nwbvt - 4
ValueError: no signature found for builtin function
#1730 opened by alistairmayo - 1
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'n_steps_per_checkpoint' for NLP Machine translation model
#1787 opened by Sumit1673 - 0
- 0
Can't run `bert_vocab_from_dataset` without `TypeError: Tensor is unhashable` when import `trax` with `tensorflow`
#1785 opened by mihalt - 0
Can I do simple tokenization?
#1783 opened by mihalt - 0
Is possible Linformer algorithm ?
#1780 opened by andr1972 - 0
Issue when running - message StopIteration in next_batch(self)
#1779 opened by SisypheGeek - 0
- 2
- 1
- 1
Unable to import trax
#1774 opened by JoseJamesMD - 0
SelfAttention - problem with tensorflow 2.11.0
#1771 opened by mmarcinmichal - 0
Limit the dataset from TFDS
#1769 opened by oendnsk675 - 0
how to use trax to translate other languages
#1768 opened by SumanthSrungavarapu - 1
- 0
- 5
- 0
Machine Translation Refromer model.pkl for trax 1.4.1?
#1765 opened by ymcki - 0
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'jaxlib.tpu_client_extension.PyTpuBuffer'
#1760 opened by agoliaei - 0
- 1 API explained -> Open in Colab errors
#1744 opened by ras44 - 0
TypeError: external_configurable() got an unexpected keyword argument 'blacklist'
#1753 opened by NirajanBekoju - 0
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- 1
Do we have a reading tasking for question and answering?
#1732 opened by AliceSum - 0
- 0
Can Trax be used for Arabic NMT?
#1728 opened by AliMi001 - 0
How to pass data carried by a class through forward pass
#1719 opened by aycandv - 0
Cannot Train LSHSelfAttention on GPU
#1724 opened by jsearcy1 - 2
Trax Reserves All Available GPU Memory
#1722 opened by rafidka - 1
- 1
Cannot export model from trax to TF
#1718 opened by AndriCcos - 0
- 1
AttributeError: module 'trax.supervised.trainer_lib' has no attribute 'init_random_number_generators'
#1714 opened by topekekere - 2
ValueError on predict mode Transformer model
#1670 opened by shashank2123 - 0
RAM crash while optimizing a linear regression model
#1697 opened by aycandv - 1
Relu layer nested in its own Serial combinator by default
#1695 opened by kbvw - 1
Multiple heads option is not working in SelfAttention
#1686 opened by kenenbek - 2
Wrapping up a combinator layer
#1681 opened by aycandv - 0
Reformer does not export to SavedModel format.
#1685 opened by StewartSethA - 0
How to make predictions on a trained model
#1682 opened by TurquoiseA - 0
L2 & L1 Regularizers in Trax
#1669 opened - 0
LSHSelfAttention only works with different lengths if the parameter use_reference_code is set to "True"
#1664 opened by renevs - 1
- 0
Trax Import Error
#1661 opened by memora0101 - 2
BERT model fails on its initialization
#1655 opened by manifest - 0
Trax reformer description
#1654 opened by kenenbek