- 6
- 3
Likely bug in Quaternion.copyRotationInto
#324 opened by robertmuth - 1
Integer has been ingored in Matrix4.translate()
#335 opened by yeasin50 - 1
Why do frustum normals point outside?
#310 opened by LukasPoque - 10
Remove bundled dependencies
#269 opened by tvolkert - 0
- 2
Matrix3.rotationY provides incorrect matrix
#261 opened by bluebaloon - 4
- 1
- 2
Extension Types
#314 opened by Fox32 - 3
Undo private field removal from 1de6169835
#206 opened by kevmoo - 0
Improve AOT code generation
#320 opened by johnmccutchan - 2
- 2
32 and 64 bit type casting and performance implications
#210 opened by aab29 - 2
- 1
Consider sealing vector_math classes
#298 opened by johnmccutchan - 14
- 8
2D Vector Intersections?
#189 opened by haydenflinner - 2
- 1
Overflowed issue
#237 opened by wenshisan - 1
#250 opened by tanzhenghao-james - 1
Aab3 intersects with plane fails
#260 opened by jamesblasco - 8
Deprecate and remove the `SimplexNoise` classes
#270 opened by devoncarew - 2
Does Vector2 perform SIMD instructions on computation?
#285 opened by shtse8 - 13
Impossible to implement/extend Vector2
#282 opened by shtse8 - 1
Decomposing a Matrix4 does not result in the same scale as its composition.
#240 opened by danielljunior - 1
- 0
Quad.copy discards point3
#221 opened by Norbert515 - 1
Reflections implemented incorrectly
#245 opened by Lazauya - 1
The form of rotation animation has changed
#249 opened by lizhuoyuan - 0
- 1
- 3
Vector.ones constructor
#171 opened by bergwerf - 0
- 9
hashCode for Vector3 etc do not work well
#198 opened by robertmuth - 1
- 2
Colors & precision
#196 opened by jimmyff - 4
Publish 2.0.8
#192 opened by leafpetersen - 0
Eliminate uses of deprecated CONSTANTS
#193 opened by leafpetersen - 1
examples can show up on the pub site
#191 opened by bcko - 2
Is there a way to do Quaternion slerp interpolation ?
#184 opened by jox81 - 1
`translate` returns `void` instead of `Matrix4`
#177 opened by chenzhekl - 3
Pardon, but you have no normal support?
#176 opened by deceased0a - 1
MeshGeometry get indices for drawing a wireframe?
#173 opened by bergwerf - 3
errors when compiling with dartdevc
#179 opened by robertmuth - 2
ddc complains about missing type annotations
#181 opened by robertmuth - 4
Vector.random constructor
#170 opened by bergwerf - 2
Colors.toHexString doesn't work with black
#174 opened by bergwerf - 3
Support for frustrumfrustum
#168 opened by abarth - 2
#167 opened by abarth