- 4
What kind of question is that
#102 opened by a897456 - 0
why does this error happen suddenly?
#113 opened by uuuuuvp - 1
Please specify the supported Python versions.
#111 opened by UkiTenzai - 0
- 1
- 2
Hello, everyone. When i build visqol, why the warning saying Download from failed: class GET returned 404 Not Found
#106 opened by DingWeiPeng - 2
Input sample rate 8kHz
#104 opened by ray2510 - 2
Reference File is shorter than degraded file -> MemoryError: std::bad_alloc
#108 opened by NicoSeddiki - 2
- 0
M2 Mac issue
#105 opened by pkendrick - 2
Cannot be used for testing Opus encoded files?
#103 opened by hpuzz - 2
- 3
install python package failed
#100 opened by xxk101010 - 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
#101 opened by yxlu-0102 - 1
SegFault with Python bindings
#94 opened by lucala - 6
Build failed on windows
#75 opened by Aravindbolloju - 3
- 0
build visqol with python
#99 opened by ZhikangNiu - 11
Build the bazel failed
#72 opened by leminhnguyen - 0
Build the bazel failed
#98 opened by zsw20200809 - 2
symbol not found in flat namespace on MacOS
#76 opened by XiaoyuBIE1994 - 0
Build did NOT complete successfully
#93 opened by psp0001060 - 5
Use of Visqol in lieu of Polqa
#46 opened by abouillot - 0
MOS-LQO results are low in speech mode
#92 opened by hoantv93 - 2
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 1
Need a direct version of visqol
#79 opened by JohnHerry - 1
visqol not found
#64 opened by jcn199729 - 0
speech mode: Patch 0 is always the beginning of the file, even when there is no voice activity
#74 opened by mchinen - 4
- 0
float32 numpy arrays don't work with Python API
#67 opened by mchinen - 2
Building Python Bindings
#52 opened by nielsdekoeijer - 5
- 2
Degraded audio sample rate: 0.
#56 opened by seba-plpl - 2
- 1
Duration of the Files
#62 opened by RHimaJyothi - 5
Difference in spectrogram implementation compared to the paper - potential degradation
#57 opened by shenberg - 2
- 0
Error downloading []
#65 opened by Initiativethinker - 0
Debug JSON output invalid
#60 opened by mchinen - 3
Compile succeeds in Windows but fails to run
#55 opened by TheThing - 1
Voice activity detection/patch alignment
#54 opened by rolandsjlociks - 3
- 1
Usage in Android
#47 opened by razi3742 - 1
Windows installation
#43 opened by rafalpw - 1
Sampling rate conversion
#39 opened by justwong99 - 3
- 2
Cross correlation alignment
#38 opened by justwong99