Pinned issues
- 0
Queries with no results return a null array
#283 opened by cryy - 0
Issue while initializing AdManagerServices
#280 opened by ChrisBafaro - 0
Issue while running on JDK 17
#279 opened by ChrisBafaro - 3
Support latest guice version with jakarta API
#277 opened by genazenko - 2
Invalid XML characters cause GAM Line Item service API to break and not return any line items after the faulty lineitem.
#224 opened by aditiInvc - 0
ReportService Method: getReportDownloadUrlWithOptions, FaultMessage: Read timed out
#273 opened by vikashkumarsharechat - 2
- 2
Make compatible with LTS JDK 17
#225 opened by markusheiden - 6
Certificate Issue
#205 opened by Sangita865 - 2
Unmarshalling Error: ParseError Message: Character reference "&# during keyword search by text
#203 opened by aharbunou - 2
Invalid XML Character fails CMS Metada Service API
#226 opened by mmfaizals - 1
ReportWithAwql Sample download empty file
#198 opened by Alfred1991 - 3
Relatively long request processing time
#196 opened by milekj - 1
#247 opened by huan-ds - 10
Exception when trying to change budget
#201 opened by aylon11 - 2
debug error
#197 opened by cloce89 - 5
- 0
Enable keepAlive at Socket level
#269 opened by tadepalli-yahoo - 2
Goggle Ads API v14-java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
#264 opened by saurabhsumanbbsr - 0
#257 opened by Jhoony12 - 0
#256 opened by Jhoony12 - 0
- 0
- 0
#254 opened by Jhoony12 - 2
Default branch is now `main`
#246 opened by jradcliff - 1
Replacing dfp-axis with dfp-appengine: Exception Class isn't Throwable
#249 opened by galacticgumshoe - 5
Invalid element in - timeZoneType
#248 opened by haibau - 0 Remote host terminated the handshake
#245 opened by joshwajoy7447 - 3
- 1 under the package orderservice returnging 404 not found error
#243 opened by Lakshmi-CG - 1
- 1
Migrate away from apache-axis possibly to axis-2
#240 opened by Grimoren - 2
'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/protobuf/ServiceException'
#235 opened by bhatnagarA8884 - 1
#234 opened by saurabhsumanbbsr - 1
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:[B)[B" while refreshing access token
#227 opened by mohitvaidya89 - 1
URL: Request ID: null ResponseTime(ms): null OperationsCount: null IsFault: true FaultMessage: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested
#228 opened by mohitvaidya89 - 1
- 2
- 3
- 9
Invalid XML character error
#221 opened by borisenko-i - 3
- 1
Issue searching audience segments with name starting from the search term
#220 opened by AndreiLosikTR - 1
- 1
ReachReport `COLUMNS_NOT_SUPPORTED` Not Supported
#217 opened by MallikarjunHt - 2
Example to get companey page by date
#216 opened by MallikarjunHt - 2
page.getResults is null
#214 opened by MalikCheng - 2
Problem while creating custom audience
#204 opened by Sangita865 - 1
- 1
- 1