Tables: copy multiple source tables to a given destination failed
flaky-bot opened this issue · 2 comments
flaky-bot commented
This test failed!
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commit: e73f810
buildURL: Build Status, Sponge
status: failed
Test output
expected '' to include 'sourceTable' AssertionError: expected '' to include 'sourceTable' at Context. (test/tables.test.js:595:12) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:557:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:500:7)
flaky-bot commented
Looks like this issue is flaky. 😟
I'm going to leave this open and stop commenting.
A human should fix and close this.
When run at the same commit (e73f810), this test passed in one build (Build Status, Sponge) and failed in another build (Build Status, Sponge).
loferris commented
Closing to observe behavior, may reopen.