Node.js client for Google Cloud BigQuery: A fast, economical and fully-managed enterprise data warehouse for large-scale data analytics.
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Use Template Strings for GoogleSQL raw queries
#1342 opened by MatthewAry - 1
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Several issues with stateless queries
#1399 opened by alex-statsig - 2
#1309 opened by flapili - 6
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How to enable server certificate verification on the Nodejs BigQuery client for Mutual TLS ?
#1376 opened by Ruthwik - 5
BigQuery Response Time is very high
#1383 opened by ParthGoyal1508 - 6
ApiError: Authentication unknown error
#1363 opened by rafelis1997 - 1
Please update documentation to indicate which function calls, or if this entire package uses, legacy APIs
#1343 opened by MatthewAry - 1
DML API to merge statement
#1386 opened by ceifa - 0
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prevent type conversion to Big and BigQueryTimestamp
#1384 opened by atlanteh - 0
Warning: a recent release failed
#1370 opened by failure-checker - 3
query result metadata problem
#1362 opened by chartnado-dave-haas - 1
Support for IAM conditions in TypeScript types
#1334 opened by ryandutton - 6
Direct usage of `queryParameters` broke with 7.6.0
#1357 opened by stefandoorn - 0
Support for RANGE type
#1344 opened by alvarowolfx - 1
TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callable
#1287 opened by jdai1 - 7
Library cannot parse timestamp value "0" - Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number as PreciseDate
#1353 opened by guisalim - 4
Querying on authorized view
#1328 opened by hamza-busuri - 5
GetRowsOptions Type Error for startIndex: Expects a string when it should expect a number
#1350 opened by arjunmehta - 0
Loading via write streams into Tables from Datasets with manually-specified project IDs returns invalid job
#1345 opened by 1kilobit - 4
7.5.0 is a breaking change
#1338 opened by yeoffrey - 1
Table extract to gcs and keep the kmsKeyName
#1325 opened by gustavosizilio - 2
Invalid timestamp
#1289 opened by tttmaximttt - 1
📦 pack-n-play test: TypeScript code failed
#1330 opened by flaky-bot - 2
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JSON not a valid type for parameterized query
#1320 opened by Sese-Schneider - 0
BigQuery BigQuery/Model: "after all" hook for "should extract a model" failed
#1319 opened by flaky-bot - 0
BigQuery BigQuery/Model: "before all" hook for "should get a list of models" failed
#1318 opened by flaky-bot - 6
Create/Delete Model: should create a model failed
#1288 opened by flaky-bot - 1
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Tables: should create failed
#1317 opened by flaky-bot - 0
Models: "before all" hook for "should retrieve a model if it exists" failed
#1315 opened by flaky-bot - 2
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Tables Views: should get a view failed
#1302 opened by flaky-bot - 0
Add mocha retries to testing suite for samples
#1299 opened by loferris - 3
📦 pack-n-play test: TypeScript code failed
#1303 opened by flaky-bot - 2
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Models: should list models failed
#1298 opened by flaky-bot - 3
Models: "before all" hook for "should retrieve a model if it exists" failed
#1290 opened by flaky-bot - 2
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Is it possible to retrieve BigQuery Project quotas?
#1275 opened by atrbgithub - 2
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Tables Views: should update a view failed
#1277 opened by flaky-bot - 1
Tables Views: should create a view failed
#1276 opened by flaky-bot