tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.LikeFunctionsTest_bigquery+bigquery: many tests failed
flaky-bot opened this issue · 1 comments
flaky-bot commented
Many tests failed at the same time in this package.
- I will close this issue when there are no more failures in this package and
there is at least one pass. - No new issues will be filed for this package until this issue is closed.
- If there are already issues for individual test cases, I will close them when
the corresponding test passes. You can close them earlier, if you prefer, and
I won't reopen them while this issue is still open.
Here are the tests that failed:
- test_contains_autoescape
- test_contains_autoescape_escape
- test_contains_escape
- test_contains_unescaped
- test_endswith_autoescape
- test_endswith_autoescape_escape
- test_endswith_escape
- test_endswith_sqlexpr
- test_endswith_unescaped
- test_not_regexp_match
- test_regexp_match[(b|c)-expected5]
- test_regexp_match[9cde-expected3]
- test_regexp_match[^(b|c)-expected6]
- test_regexp_match[^a-expected4]
- test_regexp_match[^abc-expected2]
- test_regexp_match[a.cde-expected0]
- test_regexp_match[abc-expected1]
- test_regexp_replace
- test_startswith_autoescape
- test_startswith_autoescape_escape
- test_startswith_escape
- test_startswith_sqlexpr
- test_startswith_unescaped
commit: fcd5755
buildURL: Build Status, Sponge
status: failed
flaky-bot commented
Looks like this issue is flaky. 😟
I'm going to leave this open and stop commenting.
A human should fix and close this.
When run at the same commit (fcd5755), this test passed in one build (Build Status, Sponge) and failed in another build (Build Status, Sponge).