- 2
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.RowCountTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_non_rowcount_scenarios_no_raise[not_close_first-select] failed
#1144 opened by flaky-bot - 0
Support alembic column renames
#1097 opened by JacobHayes - 1
docs presubmit fails with `No module named nox`
#1124 opened by Linchin - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip_executemany failed
#1138 opened by flaky-bot - 0
Add documentation on multi-statement queries
#1137 opened by mattalbr - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.ExpandingBoundInTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_bound_in_heterogeneous_two_tuple_text_bindparam failed
#1133 opened by flaky-bot - 1
feat: add support for python 3.13
#1132 opened by alexshanabrook - 2
Parameter conflict caused by case-sensitivity mismatch
#1101 opened by aholyoke - 1
Add cursor description support for ARRAY native type
#1128 opened by gallodustin - 0
- 0
- 0
in_ Operator does not work for column type NUMERIC
#1126 opened by pforero - 2
Time partitioning on Date column fails with type_="DAY"
#1115 opened by bnaul - 0
missing semicolon on the readme file directions
#1119 opened by sambhxv - 1
Warning: a recent release failed
#1118 opened by failure-checker - 2
Grouping by struct member broken in 1.11
#1117 opened by bnaul - 0
Add capability to partition tables by the full spectrum of supported capabilities
#1072 opened by chalmerlowe - 0
Allow a `use_query_cache` override directly in `create_engine` or `execution_options`
#1112 opened by gallodustin - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip_executemany_returning failed
#1108 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip[r\xe9veill\xe9] failed
#1106 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip_executemany failed
#1107 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip[a] failed
#1103 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip[b%percent] failed
#1104 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip[b] failed
#1105 opened by flaky-bot - 4
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.EnumTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip[a%] failed
#1102 opened by flaky-bot - 0
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.WindowFunctionTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_window_rows_between failed
#1109 opened by flaky-bot - 1
Add ability to set custom User Agent
#1082 opened by travischambers - 0
Support calling SAFE_CAST via sqlalchemy
#1099 opened by suhas-dc - 3
Underscore Prepended to Numeric Column Labels
#1093 opened by b-schmeling - 0
Buggy metadata reflection without a default dataset
#1088 opened by JacobHayes - 1
- 0
Missing support for UPDATE + JOIN in BigQuery dialect.
#1010 opened by brian-pond - 4
Support for sql alchemy 2.0.x
#1020 opened by barmanroys - 1
Is async support available?
#1071 opened by eshwen - 4
tests.system.test__struct: test_struct failed
#1076 opened by flaky-bot - 0
Time partitioning on DATE column fails with type_="DAY"
#1056 opened by bnaul - 0
BQ storage API is used inappropriately when executing query with `@compiles`
#1070 opened by gallodustin - 2
How to add field mode?
#1055 opened by sboal94 - 2
Error when creating tables time partitioned by `DATE` column with type `DAY`
#1050 opened by mvribeiro75 - 1
Support for multi statement select
#1047 opened by aczire - 1
Warning: a recent release failed
#1036 opened by failure-checker - 3
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.SimpleUpdateDeleteTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_update failed
#1005 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.LikeFunctionsTest_bigquery+bigquery: many tests failed
#1008 opened by flaky-bot - 0
- 1
The build failed
#1014 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.LikeFunctionsTest_bigquery+bigquery: many tests failed
#1007 opened by flaky-bot - 2
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.LikeFunctionsTest_bigquery+bigquery: many tests failed
#1004 opened by flaky-bot - 2
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.ExistsTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_select_exists_false failed
#1003 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.TimestampMicrosecondsTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_round_trip_decorated failed
#1001 opened by flaky-bot - 1
tests.sqlalchemy_dialect_compliance.test_dialect_compliance.TimestampMicrosecondsTest_bigquery+bigquery: test_select_direct failed
#1002 opened by flaky-bot