A marker clustering library for the Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
- 13
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- 1
- 3
Marker cluster using geojson
#138 opened by ronak90 - 1
- 4
Clustering update upon filtering some markers
#99 opened by mbtocalli - 5
- 0
clustering not working on zoomout
#149 opened by sunderkasajal1203 - 4
Click on cluster doesn't work on some aspect ratio
#135 opened by bitworking - 3
Bootstrap 4 e.getPosition
#94 opened by jonathansigg - 0
cut icons with box-sizing in css selector *
#145 opened by RaidersII - 0
Wrong cluster icons or don't declustering
#144 opened by real-artswan - 1
Custom OverlayViews always visible.
#142 opened by tdeuling - 5
- 0
How to cluster circle markers?
#141 opened by cybercuffs - 1
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Some png image icons look poor
#139 opened by Aybee - 2
#108 opened by sophianachiba - 2
- 0
- 1
Polygon on cluster hover
#126 opened by maximou4391 - 1
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Usage with static maps API
#129 opened by omerts - 1
- 5
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can we only show markers when we zoom in? we do not want to mix clsuters and markers
#115 opened by johnsonreyliu - 5
"mouseover" and "mouseout" events
#112 opened by Dschuli - 2
removeMarkers doesn't remove all markers
#119 opened by fatshotty - 2
Styling clusters
#123 opened by ivanproskuryakov - 1
Excluding marker
#125 opened by christofferjacobsen - 4
crash on big data
#84 opened by mjheidari - 1
- 0
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delete all marker and closters
#101 opened by VesperDev - 3
- 1
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Q: Possibility to inverse zoomlevel?
#113 opened by ZNS - 2
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Fear the Repo Dead
#98 opened by XmlmXmlmX - 1
- 1
Duplicate Clusters
#91 opened by ldrrp - 0
Caching of Images m[id].png
#100 opened by Mojo90 - 1
- 0
Plz, tell me 'markerclusterer.js' CDN
#95 opened by Jingeun - 0
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Event clusteringend not working
#83 opened by strech345 - 0
Cluster context
#90 opened by clarasantana - 0
Own icons at max zoom
#88 opened by henninghaakonsen - 0
getTotalMarkers() returns a number, not Array
#85 opened by deepsheth - 3
Cluster icon location incorrect to most markers
#76 opened by kshipp