
Icons gone?!

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The default cluster-icon is suddenly gone?

Samething happened to me, the default URL is still poiting to the googlecode svn repository...

Workaround is to serve them from your own site or a cdn and modify the image path in the constructor

Something like this {imagePath:''}

not cool. need the images? they're in the source,

also please make sure to make the image path relative and not absolute as image giving error on https


No plans on recovering back resources even though have been migrated to github? It's causing many issues in thousand of apps. I consider they shouldn't have been deleted.

By the way, there are reactions to support comments, instead of just writing useless +1. They are cleaner from the conversation development perspective.

Thanks! :-)

However as I was running production, I had to find a quick fix. I downloaded the assets (m1-m5) and setup the styles accordingly. If they are 100% correct, I don't know. (please correct me if this is wrong; I'm not sure about the anchor)

var mc = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers, {
    styles: [{
        url: '/images/maps/m1.png',
        height: 53,
        width: 53,
        anchor: [26, 26],
        textColor: '#000',
        textSize: 11
    }, {
        url: '/images/maps/m2.png',
        height: 56,
        width: 56,
        anchor: [28, 28],
        textColor: '#000',
        textSize: 11
    }, {
        url: '/images/maps/m3.png',
        height: 66,
        width: 66,
        anchor: [33, 33],
        textColor: '#000',
        textSize: 11
    }, {
        url: '/images/maps/m4.png',
        height: 78,
        width: 78,
        anchor: [39, 39],
        textColor: '#000',
        textSize: 11
    }, {
        url: '/images/maps/m5.png',
        height: 90,
        width: 90,
        anchor: [45, 45],
        textColor: '#000',
        textSize: 11

@LasseRafn This has been working for me:

var clustererOptions = {
    styles: [
            textColor: 'white',
            url: 'css/images/markerclusterer/m1.png',
            height: 52,
            width: 53
            textColor: 'white',
            url: 'css/images/markerclusterer/m2.png',
            height: 55,
            width: 56
            textColor: 'white',
            url: 'css/images/markerclusterer/m3.png',
            height: 65,
            width: 66
            textColor: 'white',
            url: 'css/images/markerclusterer/m4.png',
            height: 77,
            width: 78
            textColor: 'white',
            url: 'css/images/markerclusterer/m5.png',
            height: 89,
            width: 90

Note the dimensions (width, height). I didn't have to set the anchor.

Thanks @WACMemphis

fixed by 2f659a3

show!!! Thank you very much!!!