
Login ?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I try to install Coder. So I download the .img and flash it with Win32DiskImager

I put the SD on my RPI B, boot it. A lot of line appear, and at the end it ask to login ;

"Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 coder tty1
coder login :

I try coder as login and same as password.

How I can pass this ?

THanks in advance

Refer that to the official web site of Raspberry pi?
Or try git

On Wednesday, 23 September 2015, nathan30 wrote:


I try to install Coder. So I download the .img and flash it with

I put the SD on my RPI B, boot it. A lot of line appear, and at the end it
ask to login ;

"Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 coder tty1
coder login :

I try coder as login and same as password.

How I can pass this ?

THanks in advance

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I found it ;

login : pi
passwd : raspberry