
Error:Execution failed for task ':openFrameworksProject:compileOpenFrameworksLibArmeabi-v7aDebugArm7StaticLibraryOpenFrameworksLibMainCpp'.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Error:Execution failed for task ':openFrameworksProject:compileOpenFrameworksLibArmeabi-v7aDebugArm7StaticLibraryOpenFrameworksLibMainCpp'.

Multiple build operations failed.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofPixels.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofRendererCollection.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling of3dGraphics.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofTrueTypeFont.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofTessellator.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofPolyline.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofBitmapFont.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofImage.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofPath.cpp.
C++ compiler failed while compiling ofNode.cpp.
...and 60 more failures.

I too get a similar error. Anyway to resolve this?

Same error. How to resolve?

Is there anyone can solve this problem? I met this
Linker failed while linking;

it's almost same to the problem;

why is this issue closed with no solution posted? I've having this problem now. Popped up out of nowhere after many successful builds. Looking deeper I see the error is clang++: error: no such file or directory openFrameworks/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/android/build/intermediates/binaries/debug/arm7/obj/armeabi-v7a/libopenFrameworksLib.a There's no libopenFrameworksLib.a present anywhere on my system. This is supposed to be an Android build.