Example code snippets and machine learning code for Teachable Machine
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[BUG]: Cannot write tm_template_script.ino to Arduino nano 33 BLE sense as recommended in the GettingStarted.
#332 opened by henjin0 - 0
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[BUG]: Can't start a project on iPad devices
#384 opened by Baiconzilla - 0
Where are the datasets stored for the model to trained and licensing for commercial usage of the trained model
#389 opened by PranavNivasK - 30
Prediction is not same as in Teachable web
#315 opened by ananthakrish98 - 0
Pose Project not finding points
#387 opened by JohnInWI - 4
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Teachable machine with tensorflow.js model - jpg files for clasification instead of video stream from webcam
#380 opened by boylucky - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST]: Ability to get timestamps of detected audio classes while recording
#377 opened by dixy52-beep - 0
Unable to Compile Zip File for Arduino Nano
#376 opened by tmdoi - 0
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Unable to build docker image
#369 opened by Yrij-Zhavoronkov - 1
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linker_script.ld:138 cannot move location counter backwards (from 200532b0 to 2003fc00)
#368 opened by alessandroree - 0
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[BUG]: TeachableMachine on local machine
#364 opened by kodenuklear - 0
TeachableMachine.Calculate() always returns "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 's')" using C# .NET API
#363 opened by xX-GeoffreyG-Xx - 5
Teachable Machine Project Help
#357 opened by enesuyrr - 1
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[BUG]: npm install and import is not work in React
#326 opened by moqoru - 0
snippets/markdown/image/edgetpu/ Opencv example code doesn't swap color to BGR2RGB
#356 opened by smudger0 - 2
Cannot use the exported model
#349 opened by Lostdawn95 - 0
#352 opened by KobyPierce - 1
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#350 opened by lijualivenow - 2
Image processing and Compilation info
#347 opened by ansariahmad - 2
first prediction is slow
#325 opened by mehdish3022 - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST]: The ability to learn using the GPU
#346 opened by My12123 - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST]: Title parquet processing
#345 opened by My12123 - 0
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[BUG]: snippets/markdown/audio/tensorflowjs/p5js.mdAudio and video training without python code
#341 opened by Tiang-88 - 0
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How can I run this on my own?
#314 opened by HoChiPants - 3
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[BUG]: The Chinese translation of 'app_timed-button_label_recording' is wrong
#331 opened by winnchen - 2
Repository Collaborator
#322 opened by sryu1 - 8
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[BUG]: docker failed to start
#323 opened by Tiang-88 - 5
URL export
#318 opened by jobrandl - 2
Coding = wrong
#319 opened by ojas-sys - 5
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Question: train on a Colab Notebook with the same training algorithm as the teachable machine
#313 opened by staebchen0 - 0
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[BUG]: Tensorflow 2.11 python snippets not working
#310 opened by sryu1 - 1
[BUG]: Unsupported URL scheme in metadata?
#312 opened by Aki-NITTC - 2
How can i create....
#311 opened by QiaoTuCodes