
Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Unity GenAI game integration demo

Server setup


This example is working on

Unity Editor: Unity 2022.3.3f1
OS: Windows

Multiplayer server build and installation

Install and configure Agones on Kubernetes

Check out these instructions.

Building the Dedicated Game Server

  • Open this project with UnityEditor.

  • Click on the File > Build Settings menu item in the menu bar.

  • Make sure that for Platform that Dedicated Game Server is selected and Target Platform is selected to Linux. If needed click Switch Platform before build.

  • Verify the following scenes are selected in order:

    Universal Shooter Kit\Demos\Scenes\Single-player\Single Demo
  • Click Build.

  • The Builds are created in a ServerBuild Folder and saved as Server.

Running the Dedicated Game Server on Kubernetes

Option 1: Build and push with Docker

Build docker image and push to registry.

docker build -t agones-agones-example/unity-city:latest .

Option 2: Google Cloud Build

As a another option, you can build with Google Cloud Build. This will also push image to Google Artifact Registry at us-docker.pkg.dev/globant-kubecon/unity-agones-example/unity-city.

If needed, you can create an Artifact Registry if you have a Google Cloud Organization:

gcloud artifacts repositories create unity-agones-example \
    --repository-format=docker \
    --location=us \

Run Cloud Build config:

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml

Create Agones Gameserver


$ kubectl create -f gameserver.yaml

The kubectl get gs output should be similar to:

kubectl get gs
NAME                        STATE   ADDRESS         PORT   NODE                                              AGE
unity-city-server-b4hnz   Ready   34.69.***.***   7953   gke-gke-agones-gke-agones-primary-65d17602-ld6z   5d21h

When running the client use above Address and Port.

Client setup

Setting up the AI endpoints

Look for the Game Manager object in the Hierarchy.

Inside it, select GameVars.


In the inspector, look for Var Manager (Script)

For image generation, set the IP and Port in Endpoint URI_Image Gen.

For text generation, set the IP and Port in Endpoint URI_LLM.


Go inside VarManager.cs, look for imageUrl in line 133 and make sure to set the correct endpoint URL for image generation.

Go inside ChatManager.cs, look for _endpointUrl in line 72 and make sure to set the correct endpoint URL for text generation.


To start a session the server must be already running.

After starting the game, the connection widget will appear.

Write the IP and Port of the server and press connect.

This data will be saved so it doesn’t need to be added every time.
