
Brought to you by The Codebenders

Code Locations

  • Server Code, built in Java Servlets, lives in /server
  • Web Client Code, built in React, lives in /frontend

Running Locally

Both the frontend and backend development servers can be run together through the command bash

The frontend and backend development servers will encounter errors when running if it is not the case that one has installed all frontend packages with npm install and set their gcloud project to coffeehouse-step2020.

To easily perform these operations, run the command bash -setup (or just bash -s), which will install packages, set the gcloud project, configure file watchers (to avoid frontend warnings), and start the development servers. This only needs to be run once upon switching branches or reopening the terminal.

The outputs of both the frontend and backend development servers will be sent to stdout, as well as logged to either the server.log or frontend.log file.

Halting this process with Ctrl+C will stop both the frontend and backend development servers.

To use, visit http://localhost:9000.


This project is composed of two seperate services. The frontend (known as the default service) can be updated and deployed without touching the server. Similarly, the server (known as the server service) can be updated and deployed without touching the frontend.

To deploy each service, follow the instructions in the README files in the frontend and server directories.

First Deployment

Upon the first deployment of the project, multiple steps must be done in order.

1.) Deploy the frontend service through the instructions in the README in the frontend directory. 2.) Deploy the server service through the instructions in the README in the server directory. 3.) In this directory, run the command gcloud app deploy dispatch.yaml to configure URL routing.

Helpful Commands

Tests can be run for both the frontend and server. To run, reference the README files in the frontend and server directories.