
Primary LanguageRacketDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Useful general info


Homework handover is done through the Moodle system we have at FMI. For questions on homeworks you can (ordered by preference):

  1. Use the mailing list.
  2. Contact me directly (through one of the methods).

Public methods are best, because others can also read discussions there.

Homework guidelines

Function names

Functions must be named the same way as in the tasks.

File organisation

Note: This was changed, because of Haskell module naming requirements.

If you are handing in a single file, it must be named Hw<your fn>.{rkt,scm,hs,..} and it must export/provide all the functions which are specified in the tasks.

If you are handing in more than one file, they should be in a folder named Hw<your fn>, which is afterwards tar/zip-ed. Furthermore, inside it there should be one "all" file named Hw<your fn>.{rkt,scm,hs,..}, which imports/requires all the other files, and then re-exports/provides all the functions which are specified in the tasks.


We have two files for our homework helpers.hs and actualhw01.hs and actualhw02.hs. We now create a folder 81248. Inside it we place helpers.hs, actualhw01.hs and actualhw02.hs. Inside it we also create a file Hw81248.hs, in which we import all the important files (actualhw01.hs and (actualhw02.hs) in this case and export all the functions that are actually required for the homework. Afterwards we zip the whole folder 81248 into the zip Hw81248.zip. We now hand in this Hw81248.zip file for grading.


Type How many? Points for each Total
Homework 7 10 70
Project 1 60 60

But what about grades?

>=110 points are a 6

Contact me:

GitHub repository


Homeworks should be under hws.

Notes should be under notes.

What we do live should be under exercises.

Mailing list

Mailing list

You will receive homeworks and other info here. It's also fine to have discussions if you want.

You need to confirm your registration! It might be in Spam.

Pull requests

If you notice any mistakes feel free to open a pull request.