
Los arcoiris son mejores en 4K. #BlackLivesMatter

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Upscaling techniques on Vulkan, yee. The original project intent was to help with upscaling to 4K, but none of the techniques are 4K specific.

Screenshot of app running on Stadia @ 4K


Before doing anything, make sure your submodules are up-to-date!

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Build for Windows

$ mkdir buildWinVS2017
$ cd buildWinVS2017
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DDXC_PATH="C:\src\sc\dxc\d0e9147a\bin\dxc.exe" ..

Then build from generated Visual Studio solution buildWinVS2017\VulkanPorQue4K.sln

You can use the included setup_windows.bat batch script to generate the Visual Studio 2017 solution + projects.

> setup_windows.bat <path to DXC binary>

Build for GGP

You'll need access to the Stadia SDK, which is currently limited to the partners that have access to the SDK.

Deploy Assets

Deploy assets to GGP instance (from repo root folder):

> ggp ssh put -r ./assets

Build GGP + Ninja

$ mkdir buildGGP
$ cd buildGGP
$ cmake -G Ninja .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$GGP_SDK_PATH/cmake/ggp.cmake" -DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=TRUE -DDXC_PATH="C:\src\sc\dxc\d0e9147a\bin\dxc.exe"
$ ninja

Then deploy the 4KApp binary to gamelet

> ggp ssh put ./buildGGP/src/app/4KApp
> ggp run --cmd "4KApp"

Alternatively, you can use setup_ggp_ninja.sh to build and deploy the binary to your instance!

$ sh setup_ggp_ninja.sh <path to DXC binary>

Build GGP + Visual Studio

Using a special fork of CMake, we're able to generate GGP-enabled Visual Studio 2017 solution + project files.You can clone the https://github.com/chaoticbob/CMake repo, or grab a pre-built release.

Once you have it, you can use this command line:

$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -T "Ggp_Clang" -A "GGP" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$GGP_SDK_PATH/cmake/ggp.cmake" -DDXC_PATH="C:\src\sc\dxc\9c89a1c2\bin\dxc.exe" ..

You can use a batch script to automate this process: setup_ggp_vs.bat

> mkdir buildGGPVS
> cd buildGGPVS
> cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -T "Ggp_Clang" -A "GGP" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="%GGP_SDK_PATH%/cmake/ggp.cmake" -DDXC_PATH="C:\src\sc\dxc\9c89a1c2\bin\dxc.exe" ..

Then open buildGGPVS/VulkanPorQue4K.sln with Visual Studio 2017. Building and debugging should work (once you set the Application in the Debug properties).

Build for Linux

TBD - Help!

Running the Sample

Windows / Linux

Currently only runs windowed, and supports 1080p and 2160p (more in the future).

4KApp --height 2160


Swapchain resolution is detected during app initialization. The sample currently doesn't support swapchain resolution change, because that's not the point of the sample.

Upscaling Techniques

See the Techniques Hub document.


Please see the standard Google Contribution guidelines and project-specific Contribution guidelines.

Compatible Stadia SDK Version

The most recent Stadia SDK version validated for this project was 1.45.

DirectXShaderCompiler Info

This project uses DXC to compile HLSL shaders to SPIR-V.

Currently, the project has been verified against 9c89a1c2.


This is not an officially supported Google product.