oatpp-consul - extension for oatpp web framework.
It provides Consul integration for oatpp applications.
See more:
- oatpp::consul::Client - Simple consul-KV API.
- oatpp::consul::rest::Client - oatpp retrofit-like client for consul. Currently provides consul KV, Agent-Checks, Agent-Services API.
For full example project see: oatpp-consul example
#include "oatpp-consul/Client.hpp"
/* request executor should be previously initialized */
auto client = oatpp::consul::Client::createShared(requestExecutor);
/* put value */
client->kvPut("key1", "value1");
/* get value */
auto value = client->kvGet("key1");
/* print value */
OATPP_LOGD("consul", "value='%s'", value->c_str());
/* get kv metadata */
auto meta = client->kvGetMetadata("key1");
/* decode and pring value from metadata */
OATPP_LOGD("consul", "value='%s'", meta->getValueDecoded()->c_str());
#include "oatpp-consul/Client.hpp"
/* request executor should be previously initialized */
auto client = oatpp::consul::Client::createShared(requestExecutor);
/* get oatpp::consul::rest::Client */
auto restClient = client->getRestClient();
auto checkPayload = oatpp::consul::rest::AgentCheckRegisterPayload::createShared();
checkPayload->id = "service_check_id";
checkPayload->name = "service_check_name";
checkPayload->notes = "Check on the MyService/Health endpoint";
checkPayload->http = "http://localhost:8000/check/health";
checkPayload->method = "GET";
checkPayload->interval = "30s";
checkPayload->timeout = "15s";
auto payload = oatpp::consul::rest::AgentServiceRegisterPayload::createShared();
payload->id = "service_id";
payload->name = "service_name";
payload->port = 8000;
payload->check = checkPayload;
/* make API call */
auto response = restClient->agentServiceRegister(payload);
OATPP_LOGD("consul", "response='%s'", response->readBodyToString()->c_str());