
🎨 Terminal color rendering library, support 8/16 colors, 256 colors, RGB color rendering output, support Print/Sprintf methods, compatible with Windows. GO CLI 控制台颜色渲染工具库,支持16色,256色,RGB色彩渲染输出,使用类似于 Print/Sprintf,兼容并支持 Windows 环境的色彩渲染

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CLI Color

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A command-line color library with 16/256/True color support, universal API methods and Windows support.


Basic color preview:


Now, 256 colors and RGB colors have also been supported to work in Windows CMD and PowerShell:



  • Simple to use, zero dependencies
  • Supports rich color output: 16-color (4-bit), 256-color (8-bit), true color (24-bit, RGB)
    • 16-color output is the most commonly used and most widely supported, working on any Windows version
    • Since v1.2.4 the 256-color (8-bit), true color (24-bit) support windows CMD and PowerShell
    • See this gist for information on true color support
  • Support converts HEX HSL value to RGB color
  • Generic API methods: Print, Printf, Println, Sprint, Sprintf
  • Supports HTML tag-style color rendering, such as <green>message</> <fg=red;bg=blue>text</>.
    • In addition to using built-in tags, it also supports custom color attributes
    • Custom color attributes support the use of 16 color names, 256 color values, rgb color values and hex color values
    • Support working on Windows cmd and powerShell terminal
  • Basic colors: Bold, Black, White, Gray, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan
  • Additional styles: Info, Note, Light, Error, Danger, Notice, Success, Comment, Primary, Warning, Question, Secondary
  • Support by set NO_COLOR for disable color or use FORCE_COLOR for force open color render.
  • Support Rgb, 256, 16 color conversion



go get github.com/gookit/color

Quick start

package main

import (


func main() {
	// quick use package func
	color.Redp("Simple to use color")
	color.Redln("Simple to use color")
	color.Greenp("Simple to use color\n")
	color.Cyanln("Simple to use color")
	color.Yellowln("Simple to use color")

	// quick use like fmt.Print*
	color.Red.Println("Simple to use color")
	color.Green.Print("Simple to use color\n")
	color.Cyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
	color.Yellow.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")

	// use like func
	red := color.FgRed.Render
	green := color.FgGreen.Render
	fmt.Printf("%s line %s library\n", red("Command"), green("color"))

	// custom color
	color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgBlack).Println("custom color style")

	// can also:
	color.Style{color.FgCyan, color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")

	// internal theme/style:

	// use style tag
	color.Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>\n")
	// Custom label attr: Supports the use of 16 color names, 256 color values, rgb color values and hex color values
	color.Println("<fg=11aa23>he</><bg=120,35,156>llo</>, <fg=167;bg=232>wel</><fg=red>come</>")

	// apply a style tag
	color.Tag("info").Println("info style text")

	// prompt message
	color.Info.Prompt("prompt style message")
	color.Warn.Prompt("prompt style message")

	// tips message
	color.Info.Tips("tips style message")
	color.Warn.Tips("tips style message")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/demo.go


Basic/16 color

Supported on any Windows version. Provide generic API methods: Print, Printf, Println, Sprint, Sprintf

color.Bold.Println("bold message")
color.Cyan.Println("yellow message")
color.Yellow.Println("yellow message")
color.Magenta.Println("yellow message")

// Only use foreground color
color.FgCyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
// Only use background color
color.BgRed.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_16.go


Custom build color

// Full custom: foreground, background, option
myStyle := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgBlack, color.OpBold)
myStyle.Println("custom color style")

// can also:
color.Style{color.FgCyan, color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")

custom set console settings:

// set console color

// print message

// reset console settings

Additional styles

provide generic API methods: Print, Printf, Println, Sprint, Sprintf

print message use defined style:

color.Info.Println("Info message")
color.Notice.Println("Notice message")
color.Error.Println("Error message")
// ...

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_basic.go


Tips style

color.Info.Tips("Info tips message")
color.Notice.Tips("Notice tips message")
color.Error.Tips("Error tips message")
color.Secondary.Tips("Secondary tips message")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_tips.go


Prompt Style

color.Info.Prompt("Info prompt message")
color.Notice.Prompt("Notice prompt message")
color.Error.Prompt("Error prompt message")
// ...

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_prompt.go


Block Style

color.Danger.Block("Danger block message")
color.Warn.Block("Warn block message")
// ...

Run demo: go run ./_examples/theme_block.go


256-color usage

256 colors support Windows CMD, PowerShell environment after v1.2.4

Set the foreground or background color

  • color.C256(val uint8, isBg ...bool) Color256
c := color.C256(132) // fg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

c := color.C256(132, true) // bg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

256-color style

Can be used to set foreground and background colors at the same time.

  • S256(fgAndBg ...uint8) *Style256
s := color.S256(32, 203)
s.Printf("format %s", "message")

with options:

s := color.S256(32, 203)

s.Println("style with options")
s.Printf("style with %s\n", "options")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_256.go


RGB/True color

RGB colors support Windows CMD, PowerShell environment after v1.2.4


Run demo: Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_rgb.go



color.RGB(30, 144, 255).Println("message. use RGB number")

color.HEX("#D50000", true).Println("red-accent. use HEX style")

color.RGBStyleFromString("213,0,0").Println("red-accent. use RGB number")
color.HEXStyle("eee", "D50000").Println("deep-purple color")

Set the foreground or background color

  • color.RGB(r, g, b uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
c := color.RGB(30,144,255) // fg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

c := color.RGB(30,144,255, true) // bg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

Create a style from an hexadecimal color string:

  • color.HEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
c := color.HEX("ccc") // can also: "cccccc" "#cccccc"
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

c = color.HEX("aabbcc", true) // as bg color
c.Printf("format %s", "message")

RGB color style

Can be used to set the foreground and background colors at the same time.

  • color.NewRGBStyle(fg RGBColor, bg ...RGBColor) *RGBStyle
s := color.NewRGBStyle(RGB(20, 144, 234), RGB(234, 78, 23))
s.Printf("format %s", "message")

Create a style from an hexadecimal color string:

  • color.HEXStyle(fg string, bg ...string) *RGBStyle
s := color.HEXStyle("11aa23", "eee")
s.Printf("format %s", "message")

with options:

s := color.HEXStyle("11aa23", "eee")

s.Println("style with options")
s.Printf("style with %s\n", "options")

HTML-like tag usage

Print,Printf,Println functions support auto parse and render color tags.

	text := `
     A <green>command-line</> 
     <cyan>color library</> with <fg=167;bg=232>256-color</>
     and <fg=11aa23;op=bold>True-color</> support,
     <fg=mga;op=i>universal API</> methods
     and <cyan>Windows</> support.

Preview, code please see _examples/demo_tag.go:


Tag formats:

  • Use built in tags: <TAG_NAME>CONTENT</> e.g: <info>message</>
  • Custom tag attributes: <fg=VALUE;bg=VALUE;op=VALUES>CONTENT</> e.g: <fg=167;bg=232>wel</>

Supported on Windows cmd.exe PowerShell.


// use style tag
color.Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>")

// custom color attributes
color.Print("<fg=yellow;bg=black;op=underscore;>hello, welcome</>\n")

// Custom label attr: Supports the use of 16 color names, 256 color values, rgb color values and hex color values
color.Println("<fg=11aa23>he</><bg=120,35,156>llo</>, <fg=167;bg=232>wel</><fg=red>come</>")

Tag attributes

tag attributes format:

attr format:
 // VALUE please see var: FgColors, BgColors, AllOptions

16 color:
 "op=bold,underscore" // option is allow multi value

256 color:
True color:
 // hex
 // r,g,b

tag attributes parse please see func ParseCodeFromAttr()

Built-in tags

Built-in tags please see var colorTags in color_tag.go

// use style tag
color.Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>")

Run demo: go run ./_examples/color_tag.go


Use color.Tag build message:

// set a style tag
color.Tag("info").Print("info style text")
color.Tag("info").Printf("%s style text", "info")
color.Tag("info").Println("info style text")

Color convert

Supports conversion between Rgb, 256, 16 colors, Rgb <=> 256 <=> 16

basic := color.Red
basic.Println("basic color")

c256 := color.Red.C256()
c256.Println("256 color")
c256.C16().Println("basic color")

rgb := color.Red.RGB()
rgb.Println("rgb color")
rgb.C256().Println("256 color")

Convert utils

color has many built-in color conversion utility functions.

func Basic2hex(val uint8) string

func Bg2Fg(val uint8) uint8
func Fg2Bg(val uint8) uint8

func C256ToRgb(val uint8) (rgb []uint8)
func C256ToRgbV1(val uint8) (rgb []uint8)

func Hex2basic(hex string, asBg ...bool) uint8
func Hex2rgb(hex string) []int
func HexToRGB(hex string) []int
func HexToRgb(hex string) (rgb []int)

func HslIntToRgb(h, s, l int) (rgb []uint8)
func HslToRgb(h, s, l float64) (rgb []uint8)
func HsvToRgb(h, s, v int) (rgb []uint8)

func Rgb2ansi(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8
func Rgb2basic(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8
func Rgb2hex(rgb []int) string
func Rgb2short(r, g, b uint8) uint8
func RgbTo256(r, g, b uint8) uint8
func RgbTo256Table() map[string]uint8
func RgbToAnsi(r, g, b uint8, isBg bool) uint8
func RgbToHex(rgb []int) string
func RgbToHsl(r, g, b uint8) []float64
func RgbToHslInt(r, g, b uint8) []int

Convert to RGBColor:

  • func RGBFromSlice(rgb []uint8, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func RGBFromString(rgb string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func HEX(hex string, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func HSL(h, s, l float64, isBg ...bool) RGBColor
  • func HSLInt(h, s, l int, isBg ...bool) RGBColor

Util functions

There are some useful functions reference

  • Disable() disable color render
  • SetOutput(io.Writer) custom set the colored text output writer
  • ForceOpenColor() force open color render
  • Colors2code(colors ...Color) string Convert colors to code. return like "32;45;3"
  • ClearCode(str string) string Use for clear color codes
  • ClearTag(s string) string clear all color html-tag for a string
  • IsConsole(w io.Writer) Determine whether w is one of stderr, stdout, stdin

More useful func please see https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gookit/color

Detect color level

color automatically checks the color levels supported by the current environment.

// Level is the color level supported by a terminal.
type Level = terminfo.ColorLevel

// terminal color available level alias of the terminfo.ColorLevel*
const (
	LevelNo  = terminfo.ColorLevelNone     // not support color.
	Level16  = terminfo.ColorLevelBasic    // basic - 3/4 bit color supported
	Level256 = terminfo.ColorLevelHundreds // hundreds - 8-bit color supported
	LevelRgb = terminfo.ColorLevelMillions // millions - (24 bit)true color supported
  • func SupportColor() bool Whether the current environment supports color output
  • func Support256Color() bool Whether the current environment supports 256-color output
  • func SupportTrueColor() bool Whether the current environment supports (RGB)True-color output
  • func TermColorLevel() Level Get the currently supported color level

Projects using color

Check out these projects, which use https://github.com/gookit/color :

Gookit packages

  • gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
  • gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
  • gookit/gcli build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
  • gookit/slog Concise and extensible go log library
  • gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
  • gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
  • gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
  • gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
  • gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
  • gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
  • gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
  • More, please see https://github.com/gookit

See also
