
A simple view renderer based on the `html/template`, but much simpler to use. support layout rendering, including templates. 简单的视图渲染工具包,基于原生的 html/template 包,支持布局文件渲染,支持加载多目录,多文件,渲染字符串模板等。

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

View Renderer

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A simple view renderer based on the html/template, but much simpler to use. Support layout rendering, including templates.



  • simple to use
  • support loading multiple directories, multiple files
  • support rendering string templates, etc.
  • support layout render.
    • eg {{ include "header" }} {{ yield }} {{ include "footer" }}
  • support include other templates. eg {{ include "other" }}
  • built-in some helper methods row, lower, upper, join ...


Quick Start

package main

import (

func main()  {
	// equals to call: view.NewRenderer() + r.MustInitialize()
	r := view.NewInitialized(func(r *view.Renderer) {
		// setting default layout
		r.Layout = "layout" // equals to "layout.tpl"
		// templates dir. will auto load on init.
		r.ViewsDir = "testdata"
		// add template function
		r.AddFunc("myFunc", func() string {
			return "my-func"

	// fmt.Println(r.TemplateNames(true))

	bf := new(bytes.Buffer)

	// render template string
	r.String(bf, `hello {{.}}`, "tom")
	fmt.Print(bf.String()) // hello tom

	// render template without layout
	r.Partial(bf, "home", "tom")

	// render with default layout
	r.Render(bf, "home", "tom")

	// render with custom layout
	r.Render(bf, "home", "tom", "site/layout")
	// load named string template 
	r.LoadString("my-page", "welcome {{.}}")
	// now, you can use "my-page" as an template name
	r.Partial(bf, "my-page", "tom") // welcome tom
	// more ways for load templates
	r.LoadByGlob("some/path/*", "some/path")
	r.LoadFiles("path/file1.tpl", "path/file2.tpl")

more API please GoDoc

Layout Example

basic layout structure:

{{ include "part0" }}{{ yield }}{{ include "part1" }}

current template will render at {{ yield }}

example files:

  |_ layouts/
  |    |_ default.tpl
  |    |_ header.tpl
  |    |_ footer.tpl
  |_ home.tpl
  |_ about.tpl
  • layout: templates/layouts/default.tpl
    <title>layout example</title>
    <!-- include "layouts/header.tpl" -->
    {{ include "header" }}
    <!-- Render the current template here -->
    {{ yield }}
    <!-- include "layouts/footer.tpl" -->
    {{ include "footer" }}
  • templates/layouts/header.tpl
    <h2>page header</h2>
  • templates/layouts/footer.tpl
    <h2>page footer</h2>
  • templates/home.tpl
  <h1>Hello, {{ .Name | upper }}</h1>
  <h2>At template {{ current }}</h2>
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>


v := view.NewInitialized(func(r *view.Renderer) {
    // setting default layout
    r.Layout = "layouts/default" // equals to "layouts/default.tpl"
    // templates dir. will auto load on init.
    r.ViewsDir = "templates"

http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	v.Render(w, "home", view.M{"Name": "tom"})
log.Println("Listening port: 9100")
http.ListenAndServe(":9100", nil)

Available Options

// Debug setting
Debug bool
// Layout template name
Layout string
// Delims define for template
Delims TplDelims
// ViewsDir the default views directory
ViewsDir string
// ExtNames allowed template extensions. eg {"tpl", "html"}
ExtNames []string
// FuncMap func map for template
FuncMap template.FuncMap
// DisableLayout disable layout. default is False
DisableLayout bool
// AutoSearchFile auto search template file, when not found on compiled templates. default is False
AutoSearchFile bool

Apply options

  • method 1
r := NewRenderer()
r.Layout = "layouts/default"
// ... ...
  • method 2
r := NewRenderer(func (r *Renderer) {
	r.Layout = "layouts/default"
	// ... ...
  • method 3
r := NewInitialized(func (r *Renderer) {
	r.Layout = "layouts/default" 
	// ... ...

