
Car Scanner ESP32 OLED via OBDII Bluetooth module.

Device info


  1. Main control chip uses ESP32, Tensilica dual core processor, clocked at 240 MHz, computing capacity of up to 600 DMIPS, 520 SRAM, 802.11 KB chip b/g/n HT40 Wi-Fi transceiver, baseband, and LWIP protocol stack, Bluetooth (Bluetooth dual-mode integrated traditional and BLE low-power Bluetooth)
  2. Onboard 4 M bytes (32 M bit) , flash, and Wi-Fi antennas
  3. 0.96-inch White OLED display
  4. Lithium battery charging circuit and interface
  5. CP2102 USB to serial chip, perfect support for Arduino development

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Reference lib.

ESP32 Hardware lib

OLED lib