thank you Exhibitmark for doing the hard work and making carnation, saved me a lot of headache reversing the manifest format :)

tool i not so quickly threw together to modify any file(s) in an EVR manifest/package combo. Barely in a working state, please cut me some slack while i clean this up

extracting files example:

evrFileTools -mode extract -packageName 48037dc70b0ecab2 -dataDir ./ -outputDir ./output/

this will extract and write out every file contained in the package to outputFolder. the names of the subfolders created in outputFolder are the filetype symbols, the files contained within are named with their respective symbols.

If the -outputPreserveGroups flag is provided, there will be folders created to seperate each frame. This is currently the directory structure that -mode build expects.

replacing files example:

echoFileTools -mode replace -outputDir ./output/ -packageName 48037dc70b0ecab2 -dataDir ./ -inputDir ./input/

Directory structure of inputDir should be ./inputFolder/0/..., where ... is the structure of -mode extract without the -outputPreserveGroups flag.

e.g. if replacing the Echo VR logo DDS, the stucture would be as follows: ./input/0/-4707359568332879775/-3482028914369150717

if a file with the same filetype symbol & filename symbol exists in the manifest, it will edit the manifest & package file to match, and write out the contents of both to outputFolder.