

Many big-data problems can be expressed as finding "similar" items. In this project we will investigate similarities among 21578 documents from a cleanup collection of documents were made available by Reuters and CGI for research purposes. The collection appeared in 1987 and after processing in 1996 the data set had the form we know today with 21578 text categorization collection. As the name indicates, this collection contains 21578 text documents from Reuters Ltd. Το be more precise, the collection consists of 22 data files, an SGML DTD file describing the data file format, and six files describing the categories used to index the data. Each of the first 21 files (reut2-000.sgm through reut2-020.sgm) contain 1000 documents, while the last (reut2-021.sgm) contains 578 documents.

The AIM of this Assignment is to discover relationships between these texts, using kShingles, Jaccard similarities through Minhashing and Locality Sensitive Hashing. We are interested to investigate how similar the texts are. For this purpose we think data as "Sets" of "Strings" and convert shingles into minhash signatures. For the whole analysis we used Python 2.7. For graphs we used Microsoft excel. In more detail


The documents used for this project appeared on the Reuters newswire in 1987. In 1990, the documents were made available by Reuters and CGI for research purposes at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Formatting of the documents and production of associated data files was done in 1990. Further formatting and data file production was done in 1991 and 1992 at the Center for Information and Language Studies, University of Chicago. This version of the data was made available for anonymous FTP as "Reuters22173, Distribution 1.0" in January 1993. From 1993 through 1996, Distribution 1.0 was hosted at a succession of FTP sites maintained by the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval of the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. At the ACM SIGIR '96 conference in August, 1996 a group of text categorization researchers discussed how published results on Reuters-22173 could be made more comparable across studies. It was decided that a new version of collection should be produced with less ambiguous formatting, and including documentation carefully spelling out standard methods of using the collection. The opportunity would also be used to correct a variety of typographical and other errors in the categorization and formatting of the collection. One result of the re-examination of the collection was the removal of 595 documents which were exact duplicates (based on identity of timestamps down to the second) of other documents in the collection. The new collection (which one we used in analysis) therefore has only 21578 documents.

The dataset can be found here and should be extracted in the /data directory

K shingles input

alt text

3 shingles output

alt text

Minhashing input

alt text

Minhashing output

alt text

LSH input

alt text

Shingle similarity

alt text

Signature similarity

alt text

LSH similarity

alt text

Time consumption

alt text