Bookhub is an online E-commerce app for books
- Purpose of Bookhub is to provide plateform for book readers who want to buy books of different categories e.g fiction, non-fiction, relationship etc..
- Authentication
- Signup
- Login
- Logout
- Filter by
- Category
- Price
- Rating
- Add/remove to/from cart
- Add/remove to/from wishlist
- Search the product
- Single product page
- User profile page
- Front-End:
- CSS3
- React Js
- Back-End:
- Mockbee
- Mockman
- Hosting:
- Github
- Netlify
- Checkout
- Place order
- Address management
- Order summary
- Thanks to My mentor Tanay Pratap who gave us a plateform called Neog.Camp and all the Neogrammar who helped me during the camp.