
GoPay's JAVA SDK for Payments REST API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

GoPay Java API

Detailed guide: https://doc.gopay.com


  • Java 11+


git clone https://github.com/gopaycommunity/gopay-java-api.git
cd gopay-java-api
mvn package
  • Building a specific module
git clone https://github.com/gopaycommunity/gopay-java-api.git
cd gopay-java-api/<module-name>
mvn package


All artifacts are located in the maven central repository.


<!-- GPAPI common -->
<!-- GPAPI Apache Http Client -->


To be able to communicate with our gateway it's required to create an auth token.

IGPConnector connector = HttpClientGPConnector.build(<API_URL>);

The token gets cached in GPConnector object and its lifetime is 30 minutes. The method getAppToken(String, String) creates token in a scope "payment-create". If you would like to create a token in a different scope call method getAppToken(<CLIENT_ID>,<CLIENT_CREDENTIALS>,<SCOPE>) Once the token expires its required to obtain a new one by calling the method getAppToken again.

Basic usage

Creating an instance of GPConnector

IGPConnector connector = HttpClientGPConnector.build(<API_URL>);

The connector provides methods for interacting with our gateway.

Avalaible methods

Method API Action
createPayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#standard-payment
paymentStatus https://doc.gopay.com/en/#status-of-the-payment
refundPayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#refund-of-the-payment-(cancelation)
createRecurrentPayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#recurring-payment
voidRecurrency https://doc.gopay.com/en/#cancellation-of-the-recurring-payment
voidAuthorization https://doc.gopay.com/en/#cancellation-of-the-pre-authorized-payment
capturePayment https://doc.gopay.com/en/#charge-of-pre-authorized-payment
Create a payment
BasePayment payment = PaymentFactory.createBasePaymentBuilder()
    .order(<ORDER_NUMBER>, <AMOUNT>, Currency.EUR, <DESCRIPTION>)
    .addItem(<ITEM_NAME>, <AMOUNT>, <FEE>, <COUNT>)
    .addAdditionalParameter(<Key>, <VALUE>)
    .withCallback(<RETURN_URL>, <NOTIFY_URL>)
try {
    Payment result = connector.createPayment(payment);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
Payment status
try {
    Payment payment = connector.paymentStatus(<PAYMENT_ID>);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
Payment refund
try {
      PaymentResult result = connector.refundPayment(<PAYMENT_ID>, <AMOUNT>);
} catch (GPClientException e) {
Create preauthorized payment
Payment payment = PaymentFactory.createPaymentBuilder().preauthorize()...
try {
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
Void authorization
try {
    PaymentResult voidAuthorization = connector.voidAuthorization(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
Recurrent payment
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2016);
calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 2);
calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
Recurrence r = Recurrence.build(calendar.getTime())
    .withTimeInterval(RecurrenceCycle.WEEK, 1)
try {
} catch {GPClientException e) {
Capture payment
try {
    PaymentResult capture = connector.capturePayment(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {
Void recurrency
try {
   PaymentResult voidRecurrency = connector.voidRecurrency(<ID>);
} catch (GPClientException ex) {

All methods above throw checked exception GPClientException on a failure.

try {
} catch (GPClientException e) {
    for (ErrorElement err : e.getError().getErrorMessages()) {
        int code = err.getErrorCode();
        String message = err.getMessage();
        String field = err.getField();

For more code samples check out unit tests

Framework support

If Apache HTTP Client does not suit you, the api supports two frameworks

  • Resteasy
  • Apache CXF

Each integration has its own maven module.

  • Creating Resteasy connector

    IGPConnector connector = ResteasyGPConnector.build(<API_URL>);

    Requires Resteasy connector:

  • Creating Apache CXF connector

    IGPConnector connector = CXFGPConnector.build(<API_URL>);

    Requires apache cxf connector:


If you would like to create your own GPConnector, inherit from a class AbstractGPConnector and override a method T createRESTClientProxy(String apiUrl, Class<T> proxy).The proxy parameter is either an interface PaymentClient or AuthClient. You must create implementations of both and return instance of correct class.

  • Model builders

You can use several builder objects to achieve better code readability.

  • Payment builder

    BasePayment payment = PaymentFactory.createBasePaymentBuilder()
            .order(<ORDER_NUMBER>, <AMOUNT>, Currency.EUR, <DESCRIPTION>)
            .addItem(<ITEM_NAME>, <AMOUNT>, <FEE>, <COUNT>)
            .addAdditionalParameter(<Key>, <VALUE>)
            .withCallback(<RETURN_URL>, <NOTIFY_URL>)
  • Payer builder

    Payer payer = new PayerBuilder()


Contributions from others would be very much appreciated! Send pull request/ issue. Thanks!


Copyright (c) 2016 GoPay.com. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.