
Export prometheus metrics for wal-g backup tool

Primary LanguagePython


Exporter for WAL-G that runs in PostgreSQL instances.


  1. Python 3.7+ (For make build-binary).
  2. WAL-G binary must be installed.
  3. This exporter require a flag file called /var/lib/postgresql/walg_exporter.enable The exporter will keep trying every WALG_EXPORTER_SCRAPE_INTERVAL seconds to see if the flag exists or not. This flag file feature can be used in case when there is a failover event happens, for example if the exporter supposed to be run only in master node.


  1. For Linux, you can use the binary from make build. It should run on most Linux distro.
  2. For specific OS or to run in your own machine, you can get the binary with make build-binary and use the binary output.


usage: wal-g-exporter [-h] --archive_dir=ARCHIVE_DIR [--debug] [--config=CONFIG_FILE_PATH] [--version]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --archive_dir ARCHIVE_DIR
                        pg_wal/archive_status/ Directory location
                        file path for wal-g config
  --debug               enable debug log
  --version             show binary version

Exposed Metrics

# HELP walg_basebackup Remote Basebackups
# TYPE walg_basebackup gauge
walg_basebackup{compressed_size="31.15 GB",finish_lsn="154846241808",finish_time="2024-02-14 08:11:02.501703+00:00",is_permanent="False",start_lsn="154464435792",start_time="2024-02-14 08:01:01.469195+00:00",start_wal_segment="0000000800000023000000F6",uncompressed_size="59.95 GB"} 1.707897661469195e+09
# HELP walg_basebackup_count Remote Basebackups count
# TYPE walg_basebackup_count gauge
walg_basebackup_count 3.0
# HELP walg_last_upload Last upload of incremental or full backup
# TYPE walg_last_upload gauge
walg_last_upload{type="xlog"} 1.707988922995336e+09
walg_last_upload{type="basebackup"} 1.707980547275256e+09
walg_last_upload{type="wal"} 1.707988922995336e+09
# HELP walg_oldest_basebackup Oldest full backup
# TYPE walg_oldest_basebackup gauge
walg_oldest_basebackup 1.707897661469195e+09
# HELP walg_missing_remote_wal_segment_at_end Xlog ready for upload
# TYPE walg_missing_remote_wal_segment_at_end gauge
walg_missing_remote_wal_segment_at_end 0.0
# HELP walg_exception Wal-g exception: 1 for basebackup error, 2 for xlog error and 3 for both errors
# TYPE walg_exception gauge
walg_exception 0.0
# HELP walg_xlogs_since_basebackup Xlog uploaded since last base backup
# TYPE walg_xlogs_since_basebackup gauge
walg_xlogs_since_basebackup 159.0
# HELP walg_last_backup_duration Duration of the last full backup
# TYPE walg_last_backup_duration gauge
walg_last_backup_duration 675.399887
# HELP walg_wal_integrity_status Overall WAL archive integrity status
# TYPE walg_wal_integrity_status gauge
walg_wal_integrity_status{status="OK"} 1.0
walg_wal_integrity_status{status="FAILURE"} 0.0
# HELP walg_wal_archive_count Total WAL archived count from oldest to latest full backup
# TYPE walg_wal_archive_count gauge
walg_wal_archive_count 2717.0
# HELP walg_wal_archive_missing_count Total missing WAL count
# TYPE walg_wal_archive_missing_count gauge
walg_wal_archive_missing_count 0.0