
Shortest Path Finding VIsualizer. Using Variety of different State Space Search Algorithms.



As Every one knows the major problem for travelling unknown places is that they dont know how to find the path to reach their destination.This project tries to give the solution to this problem by providing the shortest path from the source to the destination which user selects in the grid. One can implement it in JS but i had a constraint of using only python from college so it may not Visualize things as good as CSS. But PYgame Module also tries to provide some techniques to make things Visualize optimally.

I did this as a MINI PROJECT in 5th sem(BE).


  1. BREADTH FIRST SEARCH: Breadth First Search - Simple & Efficient Guarantees Shortest Path.
  2. A* - Combination of Dijikstra's and Breadth First Search Guarantees Shortest Path.
  3. Dijikstra's - Father of PathFinding Algorithm Guarantees Shortest Path.
  4. Best First Search - Faster, Heuristic-Heavy of A* Algorithm Does Not Guarantees Shortest Path.
  5. Swarm Algorithm - Combination of Dijikstra and A* Does Not Guarantees Shortest Path.
  6. Convergent Swarm Algorithm - Faster, Heuristic-Heavy version of Swarm Does Not Guarantees Shortest Path.
  7. Bidirectional Swarm Algorithm - Swarm From Both Sides Genrally, Does Not Guarantees Shortest Path. But in this Implementation it will Find Shortest Path(May Not in some Cases)


  1. Artifial Intelligence(Is used to Search through the State Space while developing an Autonomous Agent.
  2. COMPUTER SCIENCE ( used to solve hard problems using State Space Eg. TSP,SAT,etc....
  3. Daily Life: one good example is Gooogle Maps.