- First time
- hugo new site codedrikblog
- cd to themes
- clone the theme to this
- https://github.com/lxndrblz/anatole
- add theme to config.toml
- git submodule add -f -b main https://github.com/gopimails/gopimails.github.io.git public
- Repeat
- Create new post
hugo new posts/vernemq_mosquitto_bridge.md
- Update the md file with your actual content.
- Check if everything is good
hugo server
- Will build and give an url to check.
- publish
hugo -t anatole
git add .
git commit -m vernemqtomosquitto
git push origin main
- if not working, try this
git push origin HEAD:main
- if not working, try this
- Create new post
- Whenever you clone, or take latest, should be followed up with below two commands.
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- sudo git submodule update --init --recursive
- sudo git submodule update --recursive
- Reason : themes\anatole is a submodule(not a clone add) and should be synced.