
The Interpreter of Go+ spx engine

Primary LanguageGo


The Interpreter of Go+ spx engine

install ispx

go install github.com/goplus/ispx@latest

ispx command

ispc [flags] dir
    	print import packages
    	print source code
    	print ssa code information
  -ghtoken string
    	set github.com api token
  -v	print verbose information

run spx demo

  • get spx FlappyCalf demo
$ git clone https://github.com/goplus/FlappyCalf
  • run spx demo
$ ispx FlappyCalf
  • run on demo work directory
$ cd FlappyCalf
$ ispx .

run spx remote demo

  • GitHub API token

rate limiting https://docs.github.com/en/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#rate-limiting

generate token https://github.com/settings/tokens

$ ispx -ghtoken your_github_api_token github.com/goplus/FlappyCalf