Author: Mar2zz
License: GNU GPL v3
Please do not report bugs/issues, because it isn't finished yet, unless you can write a 'fix/feature' yourself.
Yes, there is a lot of headphones references in this project. In fact, I used headphones as a base, but also code from SickBeard and lazylibrarian to learn how to write a python program. It's a goal to eliminate all references to these other projects, but I need to create a working program first. Taking babysteps ;)
LazyLibrarian is a program to follow authors and grab metadata for all your digital reading needs. It uses the extensive website as a source, but I'd like to write locales too (like for dutch info. Other languages need to be added by others).
Right now its capable of the following:
- find authors or books and add them to the database
- list all books of an author and add them as 'wanted'.
- LazyLibrarian will search a nzb-file for that book (only Newznab supported (e.g.
- If a nzb is found it will be send to sabnzbd or saved in a blackhole where your downloadapp can pick it up.
- Install Python 2.6 or higher
- Git clone/extract LL wherever you like
- Run "python -daemon" to start in deamon mode
- Set your username & password in the settings if you want.
- Fill in all the config stuff
Ubuntu (init.d script):
- Copy "initd.ubuntu" to /etc/init.d/lazylibrarian - > "sudo cp initd.ubuntu /etc/init.d/lazylibrarian"
- Copy "default.ubuntu" to /etc/default/lazylibrarian - > "sudo cp default.ubuntu /etc/default/lazylibrarian"
- Edit the required daemon settings in /etc/default/lazylibrarian - > editor /etc/default/lazylibrarian
- If your LL installation isn't in "/opt/lazylibrarian/", make sure to change the path there also!
- Make executable "sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/lazylibrarian"
- Add it to the startup items: "sudo update-rc.d lazylibrarian defaults"
- Start with "sudo service lazylibrarian start"
Just run git pulls, build a update-through-interface soon enough.
Need an logo/favicon/icon badly. Made a temporary one. If you feel creative, go ahead.