
A simple blockchain demo written in elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


A local blockchain app/demo written in Elixir


mix deps.get
mix compile


Make sure that the .simple_blockchain folder contains a snapshot of the blockchain and a wallet file. I provided such files in this repository.

In the project directory run iex -S mix then in the shell start the app:

Currently the only way to interface with the blockchain is via the iex shell. Here is an overview on how to communicate with the blockchain via the iex shell after running the commands shown above.

You can list available accounts using Wallet.list_accounts() --- this command will list human friendly id's and their corresponding base64 encoded public keys.

To list the available funds for a given account_id run Wallet.get_funds_for(account_id).

To open a new account use: Wallet.new_wallet().

To start mining blocks and to receive the block reward + transaction fees to the miner_id account use: Wallet.start_mining_for(miner_id).

To transfer amount tokens, with transaction_fee as the transaction fee between account id source_id to account id dest_id use: Wallet.transfer_between_my_accounts(source_id, dest_id, amount, transaction_fee) If the transaction fee is not specified it defaults to 100 tokens.

To transfer amount tokens, with transaction_fee as the transaction fee from the account with id source_id to public key key use Wallet.transfer_funds(source_id, key, amount, transaction_fee)


Documentation is available and can be generated with ExDoc.