属于Prometheus exporter,用于监控进程的网络连接情况,包括本地地址,远端地址,连接状态等。
./process_network_exporter -config.path=/path/to/config.yaml
- check_interval_seconds: 采集频率,决定多久执行一次采集
- http_server_port: http端口
- log_path: 日志存储路径,注意要以'/'结尾
- excluded_users: 被排除的用户。程序将监控除了写入配置文件中的用户之外的其他用户拥有的进程
- 示例如下:
# The period in seconds between scraping metrics
check_interval_seconds: 3
# Http service port
http_server_port: 9500
# Log storage directory
log_path: /opt/log/
# List excluded users(by name).System will monitor the processes of all users except these users
- root
- mail
- news
- daemon
- bin
- sys
- man
- games
- lp
- uucp
- proxy
- www-data
- backup
- list
- irc
- gnats
- nobody
- systemd-network
- systemd-resolve
- syslog
- messagebus
- _apt
- uuidd
- avahi-autoipd
- usbmux
- dnsmasq
- rtkit
- cups-pk-helper
- kernoops
- saned
- pulse
- avahi
- colord
- geoclue
- sshd
- gdm
- systemd-timesync
- systemd-timesyn
- whoopsie
Usage: process_network_exporter [-hvV] [-config.path filename] [-web.telemetry-path metricspath]
-config.path string
path to YAML config file (default "config.yaml")
-h this help
-metric.namespace string
Prometheus metrics namespace, as the prefix of metrics name. e.g: process (default "process")
-v show version and exit
-web.telemetry-path string
A path under which to expose metrics. e.g: /metrics (default "/metrics")