Mobile Game Review Analysis Using OpenAI and Selenium

This project uses Selenium to scrape reviews from Google Play Store and then OpenAI's GPT-3 model to analyze and summarize the reviews.

What It Does

The script fetches the first 100 reviews of a specified mobile game from the Google Play Store. It then sends these reviews to OpenAI's GPT-3 model and asks the model to summarize the strong and weak points of the game based on these reviews. The result is saved in TXT file.


  • Clone the repository or download the file.
  • Download the ChromeDriver and place it in the same directory as the script. Please download the version that matches with your installed Chrome version.
  • You need to have Python 3 installed, and the Python packages openai, selenium.
  • Set the app_url variable in the script to the URL of the game on the Google Play Store that you wish to analyze.
  • Set the openai.api_key to your OpenAI API key.
  • Run the script with python
  • Warnings

You should be aware of this possibility and consider implementing appropriate error handling and rate limiting measures. The provided code is a simple demonstration and might not be suitable for production use without further refinement.


This project is available under the MIT license.


Feel free to fork the project and make contributions.