
Built with spaghetti site

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Built with Spaghetti

Built with Spaghetti aims to function as a gateway to web art / non-commercial and subversive experiments in web weirdness / experimentation with the language and technology of web / etc

How to submit

To submit a site suggestion, open an issue or create a pull request. Pull requests will be given higher priority since they are easier to include.

  • Make sure the screenshot is 1000×625
  • Run the screenshot through an image optimizer such as ImageOptim
  • Add data in src/ui/components/built-with-spaghetti/component.ts in the following format, incrementing the id based on the last entry:
      id: 1,
      title: "zc2 gowrth of gor",
      description: "borth of the western magnificence",
      url: "http://vkhpulkxol.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/",
      img: "1.jpg"
  • Add your image to the public/ folder in the format{id}.jpg
  • Double check that everything works and looks as expected before submitting


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • cd built-with-spaghetti
  • yarn

Running / Development


  • ember build (development)
  • ember build --environment production (production)

Further Reading / Useful Links