
A curated list of awesome iOS Twitter accounts


CC0 license


A curated list of awesome iOS Twitter accounts worth following inspired by Awesome iOS The list is divided into the categories People, Conferences, Blogs and Podcasts. There is no defined order in each category. If you want to contribute, please read CONTRIBUTING.md.

Feel free to add other follow worthy Twitter accounts.




  • @nsspain - The only conference for iOS and Mac in Spain.
  • @swiftsummit - The premier Swift conference for developers.
  • @uikonf - Berlin's independent conference for serious iOS developers.
  • @pragmamarkorg - Italian Apple Dev Community. We organize the #PragmaConference.


  • @iosdevweekly - a hand-picked round up of the best iOS development links every week.
  • @objcio - publishes books, videos, and articles on advanced techniques for iOS and OS X development.
  • @swiftlybrief - a community driven newsletter about about Swift.org


Twitter List

  • Twitter List - An easily subscribable Twitter List containing the accounts listed above.

Contributing and License

  • To the extent possible under law, Carola Nitz has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. See LICENSE for more information.