
Given a description pythong file, generate a set of types and datasets for ServiceX

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Given a description yaml file, generate a set of types and datasets for ServiceX


Produce a analysis-focused python package that:

  • Has types for the objects a user is likely to access on a particular backend
  • Has any injected code needed (to access things like special collections off the main Event object)
  • Can inject intelligent code, like apply special scripts or include files for the C++ backend.
  • Defines a typed flavor of a servicex dataset object.


After pip installing this package, the following command will write out a package in the parent directory:

sx_type_gen <path-to-type-yaml-file> --version 1.1.0b2 [--output_directory <dir-for-output>]

Note that output package name is configured to be func_adl_servicex_xaodrRXX where XX comes from the input yaml file.

Full set of options:

usage: sx_type_gen [-h] [--version VERSION] [--output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] yaml_type_file

Generate python package

positional arguments:
  yaml_type_file        The yaml file that contains the type info

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version VERSION     The version of the package to generate (1.1.0b2 or 1.1.0, etc.)
  --output_directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
                        The output directory for the generated python package

Building a new type package for a new AnalysisBase Release

You'll need to setup:

  • The func-adl-types-atlas package will need to be checked out
  • This package, func_adl_servicex_type_generator will need to be pip installed

Then follow these steps:

  1. Build the type file for a given atlas release: func-adl-types-atlas\scripts\build_xaod_edm.ps1 21.2.184 184.yaml
  2. Build the package sx_type_gen 184.yaml --version 1.X.XaX --output_directory <dir>.
  3. Publish the package. Use a shell that has poetry installed
    • poetry build
    • poetry publish

How this works

To get things setup:

  1. Load the yaml file that contains a definition of the collections and other object types necessary to access the data in the type of file we are producing for.
  2. Uses a small amount of other metadata in addition
    • The name of what it is producing, like xAODR21 or similar.
  3. Write out a python package that a user can install.

Then the user:

  1. User pip install's the package in the environment
  2. User starts a typed func_adl query from the dataset provided by this package.
    • User will need to specify the dataset and the backend name.


This package is now in production. Below is a good list of features that were built, but should be removed eventually:

  • Produce very simple ATLAS xAOD typed objects to access collections like Jets, etc, in a R21 xAOD (C++ backend). This should include a locally installable package (pip install -e).
  • In a second package start developing a Jupyter notebook/book showing off the features for accessing the above collections
  • After Jets, do 'EventInfo' and 'MissingET'. These two should generalize the system to other types.
  • Add automatic collection injection (so that we don't need definitions in the xAOD backend)
  • Access Jet constituents from Jet objects
  • Access truth particle arrays from their parent collection articles
  • Do something that requires a separate include file to access an object (include file injection).
  • Add support for arbitrary injection of other packages in the ATLAS C++ backend (e.g. corrections). Use Jets to develop this.
  • Support getting a single systematic error or nominal.
  • Use common knowledge (CP groups) to get the first set of collections and implement those:
    • Muons
    • Electrons
    • Taus
    • Tracks
    • Primary Vertices
    • MissingET (basics)
    • Trigger
  • Technical Debt Cleanup
    • Use python decorators for all class methods and classes themselves (and convert everything to use them)
    • Track changes to the ast inside nested functions (a default argument to a function inside a select)
    • Make sure the type propagations works inside the lambda functions for Select, Where, etc.
    • Fix the trigger object matching
    • Get rid of ctor generation (ops!)
    • Add extra methods to make method resolution in jets work properly
    • Add missing Where, etc., so predicate type checking works in all demos
    • Once calibrations fixed, make sure calibration=None (if value) is allowed by type checker
  • Add support for Jet::getAttribute, which is a C++ code-behind function, but likely it is a method
  • Add support for decorator access
  • Fix up calibration model
  • Enum's


This package is using poetry. As of writing, the following works on windows (the latest version of poetry is broken on windows):

pip install poetry==1.1.7
cd func_adl_servicex_type_generator
poetry env use python
poetry install
poetry shell
code .

All tests should run out of the box with pytest. Everything on master should always pass all tests and have excellent code coverage. Work should occur on branches.